The Responsible

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Richard is attempting and struggling to put his pants on

Richard:Oh, no! It seems I can't put them on. I'm afraid we can't go to the parents' evening.

Nicole takes Richard's pants, puts belt together and zips them

Nicole:Ready to go.


Doorbell rings, Nicole opens the door

Nicole: Ah.

Albert: Hi. I'm here to sit on the baby.


Albert: Well, duh! I'm the babysitter!

Nicole shuts the door

Nicole: Richard, where did you find that guy?!

Richard:On the Internet...

Richard's pants button pops out and he smiles in relief

Nicole:Where am I going to find a babysitter at this time?

Gumball: Ahem!

Gumball shows hands to Darwin and Bea,who returns it, presenting themselves

Nicole:I can't believe I'm going to say this.I guess you guys are old enough to babysit?

Gumball,Bea and Darwin:Us?

Nicole: Yes, you. But promise you'll be responsible.

Gumball: I promise to be the most responsible kid and will handle my responsibilities in the most responsible way.

Darwin: Yeah, responsible!

Nicole: You have no idea what responsible means, do you?

Gumball,Bea and Darwin: Nah.

Nicole:It means acting like a grown-up. And most of all, it means taking care of your little sister.


Nicole:Can I trust you guys to do that?

Gumball: Come on, Mom. We were born reprehensible.


Gumball: Yeah, that's what I meant.

Nicole: Richard, put your pants on. We're off.

Richard: No!

Nicole: Richard. Pants... on.Richard: No!

Nicole squeezes Richard into the car with her foot as his buttcrack shows

Richard: No! I don't wanna go to school!

Nicole:We have to go! It's a parents' evening, and we are the parents! 

She shoves Richard into the car and slams the door

Nicole: I'm putting a lot of trust in you kids.

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