Chapter 8

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Lydia's at CNRI when Tommy walks in and he says, "I hope you don't have plans tomorrow night

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Lydia's at CNRI when Tommy walks in and he says, "I hope you don't have plans tomorrow night. Because I just got us a rez at that new restaurant Table Salt. Opening night." Lydia turns to face Tommy and says, "Isn't that place ridiculously expensive?" Tommy says, "Everywhere worth going is. Aw, you have the cutest crinkle on your forehead when you're worried." Lydia brushes Tommy's hand away and says, "Tommy, stop. This is serious. I thought you were gonna live more frugally." Tommy says, "Yeah-yeah, I know, everybody's a grown-up except for me. Even Oliver has a job. He's working on that new nightclub. You have thinky face. Why do you have thinky face?" Lydia looks at Tommy and says, "Have you ever thought about asking Oliver for a job?" Tommy says, "Not even once." Lydia says, "This isn't a quality that I love most about you, but you do know the club scene and how to have fun." Tommy says, "You make some very valid points. I'll take care of it. I'll talk to Ollie later. We'll see what he thinks." Lydia softly smiles and says, "He is gonna think it is a great idea." Later, Lydia goes to Queen Consolidated to speak with Walter about Tempest and she walks into his office and Walter says, "Lydia, how can I help you?" Lydia holds up a file and says, "It's about Tempest. Your wife's mysterious LLC. The one she diverted company funds to." Walter says, "I appreciate your diligence on this but, uh it was a simple misunderstanding between my wife, and I. Everything's been resolved." Lydia says, "No, see, it hasn't. There was something about the money transfer that didn't feel right to me. The money your wife withdrew from the company I wasn't the only one who tracked it. She was being shadowed by another entity. And whoever it is, they're good. NSA good. But as you know, I'm good too. So, even though they left almost no trace of their presence in your system, I did manage to find one thing. Well, one image." Lydia shows Walter a picture of a symbol and she continues to say, "Does that symbol mean something to you?" Walter grabs the paper out of Lydia's hand and says, "No. What means something to me is having a good friend of the family prying into my wife's private business without authorization. And should it happen again, you'll be banned from Queen Consolidated. Is that clear?" Lydia nods and softly says, "Crystal." Lydia sighs and walks out of the room.

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