6. fights

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the thing about grace's parents was simple, and that was, they fought. when grace was trying to sleep, she always heard her mother's yelps, and her dad's growls. that's why she was scared of her dad. but, grace loved her mom, so much, so that's why on one particular day, she decided to stand up for her mom.

"what th- mom!" grace said, hearing a slapping noise. "mom! mom!" grace ran down the hall.

"you useless son of a bi-" her father screamed.

"please, plea-" grace heard her mom cry.

"don't interrupt me; ever!"

"mom, mom, let's get out," grace cried.

"aww, that's so cute, the piece of shit wants to save her mom."

"joseph, joseph, just please," grace's mom sobbed, "go grace." grace stood her ground.

"mama, we've gotta lea-" she started.

"get out. get. out. now," her father stated.

"no, leave my mom alone. just because you're my dad doesn't mean you can hurt my mom; physically, mentally, verbally."

"i'm not your dad, i'd never want to be your dad," he screamed.

grace couldn't believe anything. the only things she could process were simple: he's lying and huh? she didn't get it. what did he mean by that? was he not her biological father? grace had never remembered another man in her mother's life that wasn't joseph lee; her father.

"w-what?" she whimpered.

"did the retard finally figure it out? why would i use the will the reproduce with someone, and then, you, be born? you're useless, stupid," he yelled.

first, grace was sad, then confused, then mad. all she felt was anger.

"b-but m-mo, wait! are you even my real mom, are you! i can't believe it, where's my mom, and dad?!" her 'mom' stared at the ground, the tears flowing down her face. "answer me!"

"i'm your mom, grace, i am i swear, but your dad; he's a different question. he left."

"my real father wouldn't do that! but, eh, now, i know where i get my uselessness from!" that was a lie.

"get out of my house. go," joseph screamed.


soz this is short and i haven't updated in 18181 years kms. i meant to update the thirteenth but, i never published lel

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