Kat, Chapter Nine

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 Kat had finished her chores some hours ago. Now, she simply stood by the window, staring out into the rain. Wishing she could feel it. Taste it. But Mistress Alexa had told her to stay indoors, lest she catch a cold. And she was very serious about it, too. The way she'd said it was almost as if she thought Kat would die from simply sneezing too much.

She wondered where her Mistress was now. After they'd gotten back, she took off somewhere, just after giving Kat a stern warning not to go outside. There was a clever look in her eye, and the kitchen door was shut, so Kat assumed she was up to something in there. Still, she hadn't seen Cobb either. The house was... empty, in a way. It seemed as if it was just her, alone here.

She turned and left the window, heading for the kitchen. She figured she may as well try and see if anything strange was afoot; better to be caught on guard than off. At the kitchen door, she paused, pressing an ear to it and listening. There was chatter coming from inside, and she could hear Cobb's voice.

"Though, if I may advise?" she heard him say.

"You may," came her Mistress's voice in response.

"Kat needs a soft touch. Imagine, if you will," he said, "that Kat is an egg. She's built a shell that protects her gooey insides. You could crack it delicately, or you could crush her. Either way, the shell is thick, but you are stronger. So be careful."

"I'm trying to be careful," Mistress Alexa said. "I'm doing my best for her. I don't want a repeat of Sarah."

Kat backed away from the door. A repeat of Sarah? She frowned, unsure, and uneasy. She chewed on that for a moment, before hearing footsteps. They were getting closer.

"And, if I may?" she heard.

"You may."

"Do have fun."

She backed up, and the door swung open, Cobb stepping out. She tried her best to pretend she was doing something else. Looking at the floor for dust, in this case. Cobb closed the door, turned around, and eyed her.

"Ah, there you are," he said. "Quite nosy, hmm?"

She flushed, and faced him. "I was just checking around for any dirt I missed, is all."

He raised an eyebrow and stared at her. "Quite. Well, it's good that you are here. Go into the kitchen. The Madam is waiting for you."

Without another word, he stepped around her and walked away. Kat took a moment to let the heat drain from her face, before reaching out, and sliding the door open. She stepped into the kitchen, quietly shutting the door behind her, wondering why there was even a door to the kitchen in the first place. Then, she turned around, and found herself face to face with her Mistress, who had crept up behind her.

"Hey you," she said, breathing on her. Kat felt her heart jump, icy adrenaline rushing through her gut.

"H-Hi Mistress."

"C'mere you," she said, wrapping her arms around Kat. Kat shuddered, but didn't fight the embrace. Mistress Alexa sat her head atop Kat's, and sighed. "You're cute."

Kat said nothing.

"Don't be so stiff all the time. Relax," Mistress Alexa said. "It's bad for you to be so rigid. It's okay, Kat."

At the drop of her name, Kat shivered in what felt like delight. Something about the embrace was warm, and tender, and the way her Mistress had said her name was smooth, like rich chocolate.

"I'm sorry Mistress," she said, as her Mistress let her go. She tried to smile, but Mistress Alexa looked at her, and frowned.

"And stop fake smiling. I can tell when you're doing it."

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