9. Happy Haunting

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The next day, I awoke not by Thomas calling me but by Captain humming as he checked himself out in the mirror.
"Someone's happy?"
"Ah, Hanna, you're awake. Good. Pat has decided we are having an early meeting in approximately 30 minutes- I- what?" He'd noticed my upset expression on my face.
"I seem to have gained feelings for someone...,"
"Thorne? Yes, I have noticed something going on there,"
"Yes but... but he's..." my throat clogged up and I had to stop talking.
"Hanna, you can talk to me, okay?"
I simply nodded and started tearing up but wiped my eyes when I felt Captain's gaze upon me.

We both made our way down to the front room where Captain began talking.
"Now we must try our best to get rid of Alison and Micheal. As I'm sure you're all aware a few of us have some abilities. Weather it be Hanna, Mary, Julian, or Robin, who I will ask to quickly demonstrate,"

Robin went first, he faced the lamp to his left and pulled a funny face whilst using a lot of effort. The light began to flicker and then stopped. Everyone clapped.
"Mary?" Captain looked at her,
"Yes, when I goes through living's they smells burnin's"
"None of those were plural but you all get the idea,"
He looked to me and I cleared my throat,
"Uhh... well when I walk through living people, they shiver,"

"Now I'm sure you're all aware of Julian's extraordinary ability?"
Everyone burst up into "yes"s and "oh yeah"s as Julian stepped forward bowing. He went to a cup on the counter and pushed it with his finger after a few struggles. Everyone clapped as they did for Robin.

"When I was alive!," Thomas butted in from the sofa, "it was rumoured that a little plague girl could be heard singing in the pantry," just as he finished talking, Jemima the young plague girl started singing.

I crept towards the closest ghost near me, Pat, and held his arm, cowering behind him.
"People find it scary apparently..."
Pat started laughing scared, "I can't think why!"


That afternoon, we waited for Alison to exit the shower. We were all positioned. I went in after a nod from Thomas who was waiting outside the door. I covered my eyes as I went through her in the shower. As I covered my mouth and crouched as though I was about to throw up, she quickly turned off the shower, got a towel on and assumed the gas had gone out. I gave Thomas a nod who then signalled to everyone else she was coming. I walked out and as I did, Robin fell back looking burnt out. Jemima started singing and Alison stopped until Mike turned on a radio upstairs. Cap indicated towards Mary who stepped through Alison, having the same reaction as me. Alison smelt the air and said that some toast was burning. Now all of the attention was put onto Julian. He was struggling badly trying to push the vase off the side. We all cheered him along but Alison was already out of the room.

"One more push and you would have gotten her, Jules," I said to him before the crowd dispersed.

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