3. Wait To Drown

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From the title of this chapter and how the last one ended, I assume you already know what's going to happen here. Germany attack button house.


My heart pounds out of my chest as I refuse to leave Cap's side. Even though my head is on his chest and I can't hear his heart. I know he's dead. I can't leave him...
Havers' words ring through my head. The siren is so loud, I can't hear the guns shooting Captain's soldiers in the room next to me.
One blazes through the wall. I can now.
They see the star of David I have on my clothing, small and blue. Trying to drag me away from Captain, I scream. That's when I'm dragged out to the lake. I see bodies of my housemates being dragged out into the field.
That's when one of the German soldiers grabbed the back of my ponytails and dipped my head under the water. So quiet. So peaceful. The -2c water makes my lips go blue and my chest tighten, but I can't help but think how close I am to dad, granny, Cap and possibly mother..
I close my eyes and wait to drown. But it never happens. I hear more gunshots and the man holding me under starts to bleed over me. It seeps into the water, as does him.
He drags me in with his last bit of strength and as I struggle to get out, I lose conscience.


I'm pulled out by an old lady in a grey dress. Next to her is a tall boy, he has brown curly hair and a cute smile.
"She's moving on! Oh how I long for the day," he gets interrupted by the old woman.
"Leave her, Thomas! She has been through enough!"
I sit up using my elbows. I feel cold to the touch, but I don't feel cold myself.
"Hanna!?" That's Captain's voice...

I'm dead.

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