The untold truth

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Vera awoke with a jolt. Her heart was racing in her chest. Sleeping had not come easy, first of all she was so busy thinking about what Mars and Cayden had told her and secondly she had been having nightmares that Asher had found her family and was torturing them because of her. Slowly getting out of bed and walking over to the dresser to see if there was anything she could wear. As Vera opened the drawer to see that to her disappointment it was empty. which meant she was going to have to ask Mars for clothes.

The hallway was still no less confusing and it didn't help that she had no idea where Mars's room was. The clock in her room said that it was 9:30am which meant that they should both be up. Vera managed to make her way to the marble stair case which meant she was on the right path. When she got to the bottom of the stair case she took a left from the fire place where she ended up in a large dinning room. To Vera's delight she was Cayden and Mars making small talk while eating eggs and toast. Cayden saw Vera first.

"You slept late." He said with a tired grin.

Vera gave Cayden a small smile.

"Mars I was wondering if I could borrow some of your clothes since I don't have any." Asked Vera.

"Yeah sure, you can sit down and get something to eat if you like." Replied Mars with a mouth food of food.

"Fruits and cereal is on the counter to the left, stuff to drink is in the fridge also if you want to make yourself eggs you can use the stove if you want." Directed Cayden as Vera walked over to the crowded but neat counter.

Vera didn't feel like using the stove so instead she poured herself a bowl of frosted flaked and put strawberries and bananas in. It tasted quiet good in Vera's opinion. After eating a quick breakfast in silence Mars lead her up to her room. Mars's room was neat with dark purple walls and a light wood flooring. Vera sat on Mars's bed while she dug through her drawers to try and find something that would fit Vera. After a few minuets of searching she pulled out a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a American Eagle navy blue tank top.

"I think these might fit you, oh and also you can wear these as she pulled out maroon convers. You can change in the bathroom." She said as she continued to dig through her drawers to find something of her own to wear.

Vera slipped into the bathroom and carefully took off the nightgown and neatly folded it. To her surprise all of the clothes fit her perfectly. When she walked back into Mars room she saw that Mars had changed into a pair of dark jeans and a black cotton shirt with dark brown knee high boots. Vera had to admit she loved Mars style.

"Also it might be cold so wear this." Insisted Mars as she tossed Vera a black pull over sweatshirt.

Once they were done in Mars's room they walked down stairs into the living room or that's what Vera considered it at least. Cayden was there wearing a plain grey shirt with dark blue jeans and black convers.

"So are we ready to show Vera how to make portals and to meet Neema." Smiled Cayden.

"I think so." Said Mars as she walked over to stand next to Cayden.

"Okay Vera I need to listen to me very carefully and follow every instruction I say." Said Cayden calmly.

"Alright what ever you say." Replied Vera who was starting to feel nervous not knowing what was coming her way.

"First I need you to clear your mind and focus only on making a portal with your hand. Next I need you to picture yourself creating a portal." He said to her.

"What's next." Asks Vera as she only focused on what Cayden had told her.

"Think of where you want your portal to take you to, the final step is letting go and relaxing." Instructed Cayden.

After doing all of the steps Cayden had told her she felt pain run through her body but the thing was the pain didn't make her weaker it made her stronger. Opening her eyes to see that in front of her eyes was an ovule shape disk had appeared on the floor. It looked like if you fell through it you would never hit the bottom. It was like an endless void. Vera almost collapsed she felt tired like someone had drained away all of her energy. Mars quickly ran over to help stable Vera.

"Don't worry its always hard making a portal for the first time but don't worry it gets a lot easier and quicker to make them once you get used to them." Reassured Cayden.

"Also before we forget, do you remember last night when I told you that each timechanger has another special ability that they develop as they grow up and will help them survive." Recalled Mars.

"Yes I do." replied Vera.

"Well my ability is that I can move things with my mind." Explained Mars.

"My ability is that I have precognition, it means I can see parts of the future." Said Cayden.

"The way you find out what your ability is if you are put into a life threatening situation. Such as when you were at school and got captured. Do you remember anything strange happening?"

"I know something strange happened to me but I don't quiet remember it clearly." Admitted Vera.

"I guess we have to find out the hard way, don't worry we won't hurt you." Reassured Mars. "I need you to stand still, we are going to trick your brain to think that it is in true danger."

Vera listened to Mars and stood completely still. The next thing Mars did honestly did scare her. Mars made a sharp kitchen knife float through the air and put it up to Vera's neck. Mars took her gaze off of Vera and looked at Cayden, but when she looked back at Vera confusion filled her wide eyes.

"Uh Vera where did you go?" Asked Mars who was clearly very confused.

"What are you talking about? Your knife is still on my throat. Said Vera annoyed.

"Oh sorry about that." Said Mars quickly making the knife go back to the kitchen.

As soon as she took the knife away Vera appeared again.

"Well I guess you have to power to make yourself invisible!" Piped in Cayden. "Over time you will learn how to control it an use it how you like."

"Okay I promise this is the last thing before we leave but you need to know how to close Portals because it is just as handy as opening them." Said Mars. "When you want to close a portal all you have to do is stop focusing on it, just push the thoughts out of your mind and think of something else."

"Wait I have one more question before we leave!" exclaimed Vera. "The other night when you came to save me how come none of the guards seemed to see you?"

"That's because I can also control peoples minds, I made them focuses on something else other then us." Stated Mars.

"Well if that's it then lets go introduce you to Neema." Announced Cayden as he created another portal. He went through first then Mars and finally Vera. When she went through the portal it felt like she was being squished between to buildings. It was hard to breath but when she opened her eyes she saw something that she would never quiet forget.

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