A safe escape

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A bright ray of moon light hitting Vera directly in her eyes causing her to stir from her peaceful slumber. As Vera looked up at the ceiling she quickly realized that she was not in the cold uncomfortable cell that she fell asleep in. Thoughts flew around her mind like birds in the wind. What if she was in more danger then before. The best and only thing she could do was find out where she was.

Quickly pulling back the warm covers to see that she was also not wearing the ugly hospital gown but a plain white night gown, which slightly made her uncomfortable that someone changed her while she was asleep. The room that she was in was the size of a medium size room with wooden floors and light blue walls, that went nice with the high ceilings. After trying to think of a plan that would work if she was in true danger, she gave up and opened the door to her room and entered the hallway. The hallway was like her bed room with the same wooden floors and high ceilings.

Vera decided to go left. After a few seconds of wandering in silence she came to a halt in front of a winding marble stair case.

"What the worst that could happen." Muttered Vera to herself as she began walking down it.

Also at that moment she became painfully aware of how loud her foot steps were on the marble but there was nothing she could really do about it. As she got to the bottom of the stair case she could just barely make out a figure sitting in a chair next to a burning fire.

"Hello?" Softly called Vera.

Suddenly the figure sitting in the chair stood up and walked towards Vera. Behind him followed a vaguely familiar figure of a tall girl with light brown poufy hair.

"Hello, I see that your up." Said the boy with midnight black hair and pale skin.

"Please don't hurt me, I have been through enough shit already." Vera said tiredly.

"We brought you to keep you safe so I don't think we plan on hurting you." Replied the girl. "Why don't you come sit down and we can talk about your situation." Said the girl again as she motioned Vera to come sit down next to the fire with them.

Vera silently walked over and sat down by the fire place. She had to admit the warmth of the fire felt good against her freezing skin.

"My name is Cayden." Cayden said calmly

"My name is Marsha but I prefer to go by Mars." Grinned Mars as she pushed her frizzy hair out of her face.

Cayden was tall with light skin and dark brown eyes. He looked like he could have some Asian in him by the way his eyes were shaped. Mars was about the same height as Vera. She had dark olive skin and light brown hair that was extremely curly and poufy, which went nice with her bright blue eyes.

"Well my name is Vera and I would like to know where I am and how I can get back home to my family." Remarked Vera.

"This is called the safe house. It is where we live and bring all of the timechangers that we have saved."

There it was again that word timechanger. It was incredibly and almost painfully familiar.

"Before we go any further what the hell is a timechanger?!" Asked Vera.

Cayden and Mars exchanged worried looks like Vera was suppose to know what they were talking about.

"You really don't know?" Cayden sigh. "What did they do to you?" He said again.

"A timechanger is an almost extinct race. Timechangers all have to ability to make portals to other dimensions and anywhere they want. Also every timechanger has one other ability which is decided when they are born. Timechangers are powerful and our powers are often hard to control and use so we control them with are amulets." Explained Mars as she pointed to her amulet on her neck.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Cayden pull something out of his pocket.

"I believe this belongs to you". He gestured as he handed her the amulet.

"Where did you find this?" Questioned Vera as she put it on, it felt like a weight lifted off of her shoulders to have it back.

"When Mars went to get you I had to set up a distraction to get Asher out of the room, while I was setting up the distraction I saw it on his desk so I figured it was yours and took it." Cayden replied.

"Also how did you know that I was there and how do you know who Asher is?" Questioned Vera.

"Neema is the leader of the timechangers and its rare that we find another one of our kind. She had been tracking Asher and his group when they went to your school so she sent us to his lab to investigate. We know Asher because we have had some pretty close calls with him. He hates our race and what we can do, its his goal to end us but as you can see he isn't getting very far." Explained Mars.

"So do you know why Asher was experimenting and torturing me when he could have just killed me then and there? Asked Vera.

"It has been said that Asher is trying to come up with a weapon that will kill us all slowly and painfully. The only way he can find out what are weaknesses are is through are blood. So it would be a good thing to tell us now if he took any of your blood." Mumbled Cayden.

"Oh well I think that should have been the first thing you told me." Grunted Vera.

"It's late you should go back to bed, in the morning we will take you to meet Neema and see our home dimension its best if we put the past behind us and focused on something else." Gleamed Mars as she stood up and began walking up the stairs to her room.

"This may be bad timing but can you show me were my room is again. I'm not the best at remembering things plus this place is gigantic." Asked Vera.

"Sure follow me." Cayden said rubbing his eyes tiredly as he stood up.

Closely following Cayden up the stair case and taking the same left she took to get down they finally made it to her room.

"Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow." He waved as he walked down the hall and opened the second door on the right.

Vera closed the door and silently walked over to the bed and curled up slowly falling in to a nightmarish sleep about Asher.

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