Parte 4

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—You keep the bed, I'll sleep on the floor —you said, taking the folded blanket that was on the bed, dropping you on the floor, you looked so tired that you quickly fell asleep, I watched you sleep until the dawn started to appear, the red and orange lights in the sky announced that soon we had to continue our way you couldn't stay long in one place.

«So close and so far at the same time» I thought as I watched your chest rise and fall «Control yourself Winter, go somewhere else» I gave two knocks to your head.

—Are you not sleeping? —You said in a sleepy voice as you carved your eyes so you could wake up.

—It's been so long since I've slept like this, I even forgot that five demons are chasing me —you began to laugh loudly.

—Well... yes, but they don't know where we are, we were lucky that Jimin didn't want to play with them, he's the best tracker there is at the seventh gate. Father always sends him first when he needs to quickly find some earthling who broke the laws and got close to hell — I said as I pulled back the covers to get up.

—Are you saying that your brother is some kind of hellhound? —you asked with concern.

—No, there are no hounds in hell. We only have a kind of wolves, every door has a pack of them —I said trying to take my mind off that worry.

—Well, now I'm calmer, your brother is not tracking me, but probably soon a pack of wolves will start chasing me—you said holding your hands to your face

«Will he be afraid of dogs?» I thought to myself as I looked out the window to the street.

We decided to go out to get something to eat and walk around Seoul, at the end my brothers were still in Daegu looking for us, I didn't feel their energy, so we could spend some quiet time without worrying about them.

We walked for a long time, the streets were beautiful very different from Daegu people walked very fast without greeting or talking to each other, the pace of life in Seoul was always more hurried than in other cities.

«I love their clothes, they look so tall and stylish» I thought as I watched the catwalk that formed on the street as we passed by.

—Come on hurry up, I'm hungry —You took my hand again making me walk faster.

You asked for directions to the Gwangjang food market, which was in the center of Seoul, we arrived to a festival of aromas and colors, all the food looked delicious, I didn't know what to choose, but of course, you did it for me.

—Tteokbokki! —You exclaimed excitedly, pushing me into the stall.

—Had you eaten Tteokbokki? —you asked with a big smile, but you were disappointed by my answer.

—No, I have never eaten it —I answered looking away, the lady at the stall looked at me strangely, frowning and looking me up and down «I didn't think it was so important to eat everything» I thought as I crossed my arms in protest.

You started to laugh at the scene between me and the lady, yet you greeted her politely by bowing your head.

—Please, we would like two large plates of spicy Tteokbokki —you asked for our lunch with the same joy as a child would ask for candy.

The lady started putting the side dishes on the small table, kimchi, namul the vegetables sautéed in sesame oil looked so yummy, she also served buchimgae small pancakes battered with flour and egg, and steamed rice. Everything smelled so good that I couldn't wait to try the Tteokbokki accompanied by all these delicacies.

We bowed our heads again to thank the lady for such a magnificent feast, maybe it wasn't, but for me it was, so many new flavors and emotions made my heart beat fast, everything was new and wonderful.

I noticed that the lady was looking at me intrigued, waiting for me to take the first bite to my mouth. And so I did, the taste of the food was indescribable, it was the tastiest thing I had ever eaten, even fried chicken, I could not help but smile after tasting the first spoonful of tteokbokki.

The lady smiled and started clapping very happily, she told us that the drinks were free of charge and brought us a couple more.

You started to put side dishes on my plate, you even gave me tteokbokki and kimchi in my mouth with your chopsticks, it was something weird for me, but at the same time I liked you doing it. At that time I didn't know its meaning.

«Will she think I don't know how to use chopsticks?» I thought as I watched you put more food on my plate.

—It's tasty, isn't it? —you asked very excited.

—Yes, it's very tasty, thank you for bringing it to me —I answered with a smile and turned to look at my plate.

We finished eating and thanked the lady for the delicious food and continued walking through the food stalls, there was so much to see and eat that I didn't know where to turn.

—You have to try a Pungo ppang —you said as you led me through the crowd to find one of the busiest stalls that was almost at the end of the market.

From the stall came out adults and children with freshly made cakes in the shape of fish filled with red beans, from them emanated a sweet smell that was wonderful, we stood for a long time, but the wait was worth it, not only its aroma was rich, its taste was too.

While we were eating the cake, you decided to entertain yourself by threading my hair on your finger and looking at its color.

—It's blue —you said as you put it in the sun, suddenly releasing it and turning to look at me with a knowing smile and a twinkle in your eye.

«Will he be hungry again? But we just had lunch, this man sees no end to the food» I thought while I saw how the food market was left behind and looked at you again with amazement.

—What do you say, are we still getting to know Seoul? —you asked while eating the last piece of Pungo ppang.

—Sure! —I answered with excitement, but I never imagined what was to come. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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