Parte 3

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In all this time I had not seen you laugh like that, for a moment you forgot your problems and even that my brothers were looking for us to take us back to hell.

The cherry trees shed their ocher leaves, announcing the early arrival of winter, remaining in a deep lethargy waiting for spring. The cold autumn wind accompanied the dry leaves, letting them fall on your face, playing with the strands of hair coming out of your hood.

—With 20,000 ₩ we could have fried chicken for dinner at a street stall —You stood up abruptly, your smile emanating excitement, the same excitement of a child receiving his first tangerine.

«She looks so happy, we have three days head start for my sisters to find out we are not in Daegu» I thought worriedly.

You took my hand pulling it to lead me in a hurry in search of a food stall, suddenly you slowed your pace and turned to look at me.

—How are you going to make the money? — You crossed your arms, staring at me, I couldn't help but laugh.

I took out of my pocket a small black velvet bag, you were still watching me so intrigued, I dropped in my hand a little quartz, I placed my other hand on it and said DOMANAMINSARAMA from between my hands a blue glow was seen turning them into bills.

—Are they real wones? — I thought you would be scared, but on the contrary, your curiosity was greater and you began to ask if they were real or just an illusion before the eyes of the earthly ones.

—Hold out your hand— I said to you as I held out my hand to give you the money so you could feel the bills for yourself.

You extended your hand to receive them, when you had them in your hand you began to review them, you couldn't believe that some quartzes became real money.

—How, how did you do it? —You were so intrigued

—I used chaos magic, in hell there are not only Daimons, we also exist Chaos Beings that use their magic for a specific purpose —I told you so naturally as if we had a connection that allowed me to be honest with you and not have to hide from you.

You took a few steps back and turned in the opposite direction I was standing, starting to walk thoughtfully, I began to follow you, watching you, I wanted to know if you would run away from me or if you had only concentrated on your thoughts.

—Then you are a Demon —you said while walking in front of me.

—You could say yes, only we demons are not what you think we are —I said as I looked towards the Han River.

—Why, do you continue to help me? —You stopped your step and turned to me.

«Because I have become your guardian demon» I thought averting my gaze.

—I don't know, I just have this uncontrollable need to keep you safe— I replied as I lifted my shoulders.

You looked down, the game of lights that started in the sky emitted by drones distracted your attention, you took my hand again and ran to the shore to see them closer, you looked at me and smiled again, that made me so happy or so I thought, I was trying to understand earthly emotions, in hell they are uncommon sensations.

—The Han River seems to have a life of its own, as if it emanates magic from its waters —you said as you continued to gaze into the depths.

—Aren't you afraid of me?—I asked as I let go of her hand.

—Should I be, you have taken care of me even your brothers, so I see no reason to be afraid of you —

We looked for a fried chicken place, we arrived at a small stall covered by plastic curtains to protect from the cold, it was served by a very nice old lady. As we entered, we greeted her with a bow and she responded by bowing her head.

—I am going to serve you, I have a promotion of fried chicken with kimchi and steamed rice, I also have cold beer and soju —

—Please bring us, two promotions, beer and soju —you asked the lady without wiping your smile from your face and ducking your head.

The lady brought the food to the table along with the drinks and some small glasses for the soju.

—I will prepare a special drink for you — you said as you got up to get some bigger glasses, continuing to thank the lady for her attention.

—It's called Somaek, it's a cocktail of beer and soju —you explained to me as you combined the drinks in the glass.

«I had never been interested in anything Korean food and drink until I met you, I'm glad to know it by your side» I thought as I watched you carefully, the sight of you intoxicated my senses, you were my favorite alcoholic beverage.

We finished dinner, after thanking the lady for the dinner, we walked back to the river bank. For a moment I forgot that my brothers would not take long to find us, I did not want that moment by your side to fade and remain a memory.

You constantly took my hand to walk, it seemed that it was becoming a habit for you. In such a short time we were getting closer. We walked for a long time in silence.

—May I ask something? —You asked shyly, yet you were still reserved in the way you acted.

—Of course!—I answered excited and intrigued by what you wanted to know.

—Is your mom also a demon or just your dad? —you asked intrigued, your face became curious at the answer I could give you.

«My mom?» I thought before answering you.

—We don't have a mom, we were created by a being more powerful than my dad —I answered trying to clear your curiosity.

—So they are not your dad and brothers? —You continued intrigued, I didn't know what to answer you.

—No, in the beginning in hell nine chambers were created, what you call the seven gates to hell, eight Daimones and chaos beings together with the creator were given the care of each one of them, being him the guardian of the main gate of hell. As time went by, only seven gates remained and they were distributed around the world and six of the first guardians were assigned with a team under their command to guard them.

My father was assigned to the seventh gate located south of East Asia, one by one he selected the warriors who would share with him the care of this gate, with the passage of time the captains of each group became closer and he took us under his protection calling us his children, being me the youngest of them —I began to tell you a little of my story and why we were also a family in hell.

You continued listening attentively, your face did not reflect fear before me, the nature of my creation did not generate repudiation in you, on the contrary, you wanted to know more about me.

Our pace was slow, we began to walk through the streets of Seoul, exhorting each other in our conversation, we did not realize that the night was about to end, the cold of the streets reminded us that we had to find shelter.

We arrived at a small hotel on the outskirts of Seoul, the room was small, with only a bed, a bathroom, and a small battered wooden table. The scene could not have been better for the situation we were living.

Guardian demon, watch over me in the darknessWhere stories live. Discover now