7, warning you

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monday 7am

Lavon was in his and Leo's shared bathroom at 7 in the morning brushing his teeth and listening to music almost inaudibly as their mother was sleeping. It was always quiet in the morning, or their mother would flip, but this morning it was almost too quiet. Maybe Von was slow or it was early but it took him a while to realize who was missing. 


He rolled his eyes as he spat out the remaining toothpaste from his mouth and stomped to her bedroom, to see her knocked out in her pajamas. He picked up her phone, seeing she was on Facetime with someone, and instantly dropped it. That shit was about 400 degrees. He used his index to hang up before placing the phone on her chest, making her immediately hop up.

"Ouch Von! What the hell, that shit hot!" Leo swore, flicking her phone off of herself as she jumped up. He deadpanned his little sister and crossed his arms, leaning back on his foot as he stared. "Who was you on Facetime with all night?" He inquired, and he read her body language as she instantly lied. "Tima," She got up, walking to her dresser to find clothes. 

Von turned his body as Leo walked around the room. "I know it was a boy, one, Tima goes to bed at 7 pm and two, I heard a lil boy last night." He claimed. Leo could really not lie to this boy. "7 pm is an exaggeration. 

"Look at me in my eyes and tell me Tima doesn't set a bedtime for herself." 

Leo rolled her eyes as she left her bedroom, all her clothes, and towel in her hand as she went to go rush a shower. She did wake up like 20 minutes late, but her hair was already in braids and she could care less about makeup. That school wasn't worth her hotness, if they saw Leo in her full form they'd all pass out. Real.


Leo sat in the passenger seat of her older brother's Civic as he put it in park. He had driven them both to school and only arrived 2 minutes late, but late enough to get questioned by their homeroom teachers. "We getting lunch after school with Tima & Amir. You gettin' an interview too." Von told as they walked into school together.

Leo rolled her eyes as they walked to their lockers together. It sucked that they were so close, as they were organized by the last name, but she was thankful that she wasn't a senior like him, or they'd be right next to each other. She gave him a hug before walking to homeroom and finding her seat right next to her best friend. 

Fatima was sitting in her chair on her phone, scrolling on Instagram as the class rambled on. Miss Harrian was speaking to a student so Leo managed to sneak in without getting lectured, she sat down beside Tima. "Titi. Okay, so, uh why is David kinda..." Leo trailed off.

Fatima slammed her phone screen down and widened, pulling her Airpods out and everything to give Leo her full attention. "No, Leo. You better run. Have you seen his fan pages? You're gonna have 12-year-old girls emptying a clip on your front porch." Fatima rambled on and on.

"We're from Connecticut. How do you know what that means?"

The middle eastern girl exhaled, "Amir's a Kay Flock fan. He plays it when my mom's not home." She explained sheepishly before the two broke out in laughter. "Don't let DD hear that before he let a clip blow on your block." 

The two girls directed their attention to the teacher who first greeted the class before giving them a topic to research on. They listened respectfully and got the resources they needed before getting back into their conversation. "All I'm saying is watch out. He a bit ghetto. Like would your momma approve?" Fatima questioned, typing away at her keyboard. 

Leo gasped, "You calling him a hoodrat Titi?"

"Not what I said but maybe what I was implying."

The two girls broke out into laughter once more and stopped abruptly once they saw Miss Harrian's big blue eyes glare at them through her thick ass acrylic glasses. "What you were saying," Leo inhaled, trying to keep her composure, "probably not, but we're just talking. Nothing serious."

"Yeah until you end up doing sum nasty and your pitbull ass mom smells it out of you..."

Leo glared. 

"...Then I can't see you for 3 months 'cause you grounded 'cause you wanted to give a skinny-ass Harlem boy a little licky licky."

Leonora sunk down into her seat and hid behind the screen of her Chromebook, silently dying of laughter at her best friend's words. Tears streamed down her cheeks as Fatima just stared at her with a blank smile. She was quite serious. 

She sat back up and opened a new tab, typing in pokar bwars. 

Oolar Vears. 

Po;ar bears. 

Polar bears. 

Something about this damn keyboard made it nearly impossible for Leo to spell, but it didn't keep Tima from peering at her best friend's screen and saying something. "This New York boy making my best friend so dumb. Can't even spell polar bears properly. Bark kalabaha ya Allah. Angudha minn huthe al-arwah cherira." Fatima prayed for Leo under her breath in Arabic, making Leo deadpan.  (thank google translate. i speak zero arabic so if ts wrong then correct me pls.)

It wasn't that deep. It wasn't like Leo was marrying this boy. 

As much as Fatima was lightweight joking, this was the best she could warn her. Fatima was really trying to save Leo from getting trapped in DD's lifestyle. Leo didn't mind though. It was one Facetime call. There weren't much feelings that could be developed in one call overnight. It was simply Leo's hormones speaking. 

But even her hormones couldn't lie, there was something about his smile that made her wanna do backflips. His eyes that made her just want to sit and stare. But Leo couldn't fall for him & she wouldn't.

𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑; david reyesWhere stories live. Discover now