True Heart's Destiny: Wind the Clock

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"Blondie, where are we going?" Cupid asked, blindly following her roommate as she was taken through the Village of Bookend. She heard the telltale sound of footsteps around her, and the cool night breeze blew against her face. It was a lovely night, but she would rather be back in her room. She was still pretty upset about Dexter.

"You'll see," Blondie said, her voice a little too cheery for Cupid's liking. Her hand was interlaced with the other girls as she led her forward, completely dependent on her. They had wrapped a cloth around Cupid's eyes, because apparently, there was a surprise waiting for her somewhere in the village. Cupid sighed. She appreciated what Blondie was trying to do, but she didn't think anything could cheer her up right now.

"We're not going shopping are we?" Cupid asked.

"Stop guessing," Blondie said. Cupid had been doing it for the whole walk. "Watch your step here, there are stairs."

"Stairs?" Cupid asked. "Where are we?"

"Hold on one second," Blondie said. "We're almost inside. Now on my count, you can take your blindfold off. Three.." Blondie's hand fell from her own, and Cupid felt strangely empty without it.


She heard the shushing of voices around her, telling her they weren't alone.


Cupid moved her hand to the back of her head to unwrap the blindfold, and it fell from her eyes.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. Cupid gaped. It looked like the whole school was here. Heart shaped decorations lit up all around her as everyone smiled largely. Blondie and Briar rushed forward and gave her a big hug.

"We planned this True Heart's Day Party to surprise you!" Blondie said. She leaned back and smiled so sweetly Cupid thought her heart would melt.

"It was Blondie's idea, I just threw the party stuff together," Briar said, making Blondie blush. Cupid laughed sweetly.

"You two are the best friends ever after," she said. "I can't believe you did this for me."

"We have something really special planned for the end," Blondie said, winking. "I read that True Heart's Day book you brought home. I just hope I got it right."

"I think it's hexcellent," Briar said. "Now c'mon, let's dance!" She pulled Blondie and Cupid onto the dancefloor as Melody Piper started the music. Other students joined them, both royal and rebel. Everyone was coming together on True Heart's Day, just like Cupid had dreamed of. She looked over at Blondie who was cruising along to the music, slightly offbeat. She couldn't help the beaming smile that took over her face as she watched the other girl laugh at something Briar said. That was the moment she realized: Blondie would do anything for her. And Cupid knew she shared the same feeling. She would do anything for Blondie. Anything to protect her.


"I can't help you."

Darling stared at Cupid in shock. She didn't understand the other girl's reasoning. Opening the Storybook of Legends was the best thing to do for True Love, which she thought was Cupid's main motivator. But the girl didn't want to help them.

"Can I ask why not?" Darling asked. "I mean, don't you think we need to investigate?"

Cupid shook her head. "I think you do, but you'll have to do it without Blondie. I can't put her in danger. All Blondie wants is to feel like a real royal. If I let her help you, she won't feel that way." Cupid looked back on the dancefloor, to where Blondie was glancing at her, concerned. Darling felt a twinge of jealousy. She wanted something like that, but she would never get it with some random prince that was meant to save her.

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