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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!i came back from my vacation to over 500 views!!! I LOVE ALL OF YOU (i modified all chapters, putting more dialogues and the characters speak more about themselves, i suggest you re-read it because it talks about her past and it's very important, but if you don't it's Okay) THANK YOU AGAIN.


His hazel eyes looked at me like I was something he couldn't understand. The moon illuminated his straight white teeth as he talked. I tried my best to look at him too, but unfortunately I look away..

I try to ignore the feeling between my legs whenever he looks at me with his typical smirk. Argh, I hate the way my body feel in his presence. I feel nervous.

I put my hair brush on my nightstand, he was watching me like he was intrigued by what I was doing.

He will never guess what I am about to do.

I jump on my bed, ignoring where I landed. My face was on the pillow, I was facing the window, so I couldn't see what he was doing. I looked trough it and admired the peace sky, the stars were dancing in the sky, forming different shapes, it was pretty calm.

I close my eyes in attempt to sleep, but he wouldn't budge. Fifty minutes passed, and he was still in the same position. I turned my head silently, hoping he won't notice, just to see what he was doing. I opened my eyes and they immediately widened. I could feel my cheeks becoming crimson when i saw that he was already looking at me.

His eyes were looking at the scars on my face, and I immediately turned my head again, I couldn't let anyone see my scars. When I turned my head, I got a glimpse of his eyes turning on my back.

My shirt probably lifted when I jumped on the bed, chills ran trough my spine and I was sure he could see them. My tattoos.

Crap, he hadn't budge a little. This is going to be more difficult than I thought.
"Artemis?" He asked, my name rolled out of his tongue perfectly, sending goosebumps through my body.

I pretended that I couldn't hear him, that I was asleep, maybe he will leave me alone. I glanced at the clock on my nightstand and curse silently. Shit, it's already 11 pm. I need to woke up at 6.

You know what, I'm eighteen and I'm acting like a child. Dammit Artemis, you can't even speak to him!
Are you an independent woman or a timid little girl??

My confidence suddenly boost for no reason and I turned my head to look at him with questioning eyes. I put my hair behind my back and waited for his question.

He run a hand trough his dark chocolate hair and look at me. Fuck, I'll pay billions to touch his hair. They look so soft. Running my hand through his softs curls

"Did you thought about the tutoring?" He asked. I stared at him blankly, not understanding his question. Shit! I completely forgot about that. I was too preoccupied with my emotions that I forgot about his stupid tutoring thing.

I really don't want to do it, I already have so much thing to do and we're already sleeping in the same room, now he wants me to talk to him every day??!

I am an antisocial person. This stupid Mateo doesn't know anything! In math, he failed all his exams! He won't understand a thing I will say! Always so quiet in his corner, not talking to everyone. You literally do the same thing. Yeah but no.

But I will feel bad if I don't do it because I know how awful can it be to fail his lessons. His parents must be so disappointed. Oh my god! He won't go to college! Okay I will help him.

Your soul is too kind Bitch.

I curse under my breath, and replied " erm...sure, when do we start?" I trailed off the rest of my sentence and grumbled in my pillow. I need sleep.

"What about.." he thought for a moment, please don't be Friday, please don't be Friday. "Friday?" He responded. NO. "Yeah, Friday's fine with me" This man as nothing to do to be studying on a Friday night?! Even i was supposed to do something.

I yawned, but not a fake one, I really need to sleep.
I'm so tired, I feel like I could fall asleep right now.

He said something but I'm to tired to understand. I make a un incoherent 'mhm' that he probably didn't hear as an answer before turning on the other side of my bed, my back facing him again.
I feel him getting out of my bed and I smile to myself, finally. I put the blanket over me.

"Good night" Was all I heard before the door slammed shut. Who the fuck does he think he is, everyone is sleeping and he's making so much noises.

I brushed it off, being to tired to deal with that.

Some minutes later, I fall asleep with the sound of the air-conditioner and one last thought in my mind.

What did I just put myself into?

 Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all of you

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Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all of you.
Only 910 words ☠️ I'm disappointed in myself wtf


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