Road trip part 3

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Stanley started the car back up. And they were on the move again
{Time skip bc I have no ideas <3}
Almost everyone in the car was asleep except for Fred and Stanley (well ofc he's driving) Fred was looking out the window, feeling quite bored. He hummed and watched as the trees wooshed by. Stanley smiled while he listened to Fred hum. He likes when he's around Fred. He got lost in thought but quickly snapped back to reality to focus on driving. Fred looked over at Stanley and down at his free hand. He was using one hand to drive and the other was down by his side. Fred, without thinking, began to hold his hand. Stanley was caught off gaurd by this and looked over at the fridge. He smiled to himself and they held hands the rest of the drive.
Sketchbook woke up and perked her head up. She saw Stanley and Fred holding hands and got all excited. She unbuckled her seat belt and climbed over the seat and into the 2nd row with Tony and Colin. Fortunately, they didn't wake up. Fred looked back at Sketchbook and they just stared at eschother. The girl looked down at their hands and back at Fred. She smirked and cross her arms smugly. Fred grew flustered, his pale face turning red. "Soo... what have you two been up to?" She asked, still smiling in an awfully smug way. Stanley, just noticing that she woke up, "oh- oh we've just.." He looked over to Fred nervously, not knowing how to answer. "We've been talking about life. You all fell asleep, and we had nothing better to do so.." He answered calmly. Stanley nodded towards Fred, "good save." He mouthed. "Hm. Okay then." Sketchbook shrugged and attempted to climb back into her seat but accidentally kicked Colin in the face in the process. Colin woke up, practically with fire in his eyes. "DON'T.." "oh no..." Sketchbook muttered. "TOUCH.." Colin inhaled, "MMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-" He screamed. Everyone in the car woke up. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Tony yelled. He smacked Colin in the face, "STOP SCREAMING!" That just made him scream louder. Tony turned Colin to where he was facing him and cupped his face in his hands. "Shush. No more screaming." Colin whined, "Tonyy let go of my faceee.." Tony kept staring into his soul. "'re so cute." Colin rolled his eyes. "Whatever, you gay little clock- just let go of me or I'm throwing you out of the car." Tony sighed and let go of Colin's face. But rested his head on his shoulder when he let go. "You're so clingy." Colin chuckled and patted his head.

{Time skip timeee}

The car slowly came to a stop. They were finally at their location. Sammy slowly woke up, "are we there yet..?" Stanley smiled and got out of the car. He went to unbuckle Sammy and Benny. "Wake up, buddy. We're here!" He poked at Benny's stomach. "He's like Larry, such a heavy sleeper." Sketchbook said. Stanley nodded and sighed. "I'll wake him up when I get everyone out of the car." He said and walked towards the passenger's seat. He grabbed Fred's hand and helped him out. Meanwhile, Larry was raging, trying to open the door. "It won't open, it's child lock." He looked to Shrignold, who was laughing. He covered his mouth so Larry wouldn't see him laughing. "You have to unlock the door, silly." He climbed over Larry and unlocked the car door by pushing the button. "Oh." Larry said in an embarrased tone. They got out of the car, "so...where are we?" Shrignold asked Stanley. "Camping! Fun, right?" Colin must've heard him. He began screaming. Again. "CAMPING? I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING SOMEWHERE COOL LIKE- LIKE DISNEYLAND! THERE'S NO INTERNET WHEN WE'RE CAMPING!" He jumped out of the car. "Oh, cmon it'll be fun! We get to spend quality time together without internet." "YOU SOUND LIKE ONE OF THOSE 30 YEAR GIRLS IN A FACEBOOK MOM GROUP-" Colin shot back. He heard Tony dying in the car, "AHAJAHHAHAHAHEHEHSHS WHAT" "WAS IT REALLY THAT FUNNY-?" Colin asked. "YEAHAHHAAHH-" Tony replied, still laughing uncontrollably. "Tony you have a terrible sense of humor." Shrignold said as he got out of the car. "Oh, whatever. At least I don't worship a rock." "HE IS NOT A ROCK-" Shrignold was about to throw hands. As soon as Tony got out of the car, Shrignold ran over and tackled him to the ground in a fit of rage. "HEY GET OFF ME-" Tony screamed. "WELL THEN TAKE IT BACK." "Dang, he gets so pissed when someone talks bad about Malcolm." Larry said as he watched them fight. Sketchbook sighed, she was next to Larry. "Go get Shrignold off of him. He's gonna wake Benny up." Larry nodded and walked towards them. He picked up Shrignold with ease. "LET ME GO, I AM NOT DONE WITH HIM." Larry snickered and held him bridal style, "cmon, don't be so angry. We're here to have fun." Shrignold sighed and crossed his arms, "fine. But if he says ONE more thing about Malcolm, I'm taking a stick off of that tree and beating him with it." He pointed to a nearby tree. "Alright, deal." Colin walked over to Tony and helped him up. " are we gonna get enough tents to fit all of us-?" He asked. "Oh. Well. Uhm, I didn't really think of that." Sketchbook laughed nervously. Tony groaned, "great." "Don't be so negative! I'll find a way. Sammy, wake up Benny and follow me.  We're gonna go find a place to rent and camp." Sketchbook said. Sammy nodded and ran back into the car and tried waking Benny up. "Benny, benny boy!~ Wake up we're here!" He woke up to Sammy's voice. He smiled and grabbed the sticky hand he got from the gas station. Sammy unbuckled him and lead him to Sketchbook. "So what do we do while they're gone-?" Fred asked. "Hmm.. let's play eye spy!" Stanley suggested. "That game is so lame.." Colin muttered. "I'll start! I spy with my little eye, something green." Stanley said. "The grass, duh." Tony said sarcastically. "Oh. Your turn!" Stanley replied. "THAT WAS ACTUALLY I- okay, whatever uh. I spy with my little eye something..." Tony smirked, "gay." Larry perked up, "Colin!" "WHA-? I MEAN-  YEAH BUT I DONT THINK THIS IS HOW I SPY WORKS..." Colin said in surprise. "Your turn, Larry. You got it right." Tony said with a smug look. Colin rolled his eyes. "I spy with my little eye..something..uuh..." He zoned out.  "Cmon it's not that hard." Tony sighed. Colin was giggling, "that- that's what she said-" "OH SHUT UP YOU-" Tony smacked Colin. Colin died laughing, "HAAHAHHHAH-" "WHATEVER- Since Larry won't answer, Colin you go." "I spy with my little eye..something in denial." He said. Everyone was confused. Tony got the joke though, "Shrignold." Colin snickered, "eheh- yeah you got it right." "Wha- why-?" Shrignold asked in confusion. Tony could barely hold in his laughter, "because- because you're in denial about the fact you're gay-" "EHAHEHHHAHAHA-" Colin and Tony both laughed uncontrollably in that moment. "I AM NOT- MALCOLM FORBIDS GAYS, IF I WAS GAY THEN I'D GET MY ASS KICKED." "So what you're saying is, if Malcolm didn't exist you'd be gay?" Larry asked while giggling. Shrignold paused. "Well- no- I-" He stuttered. Just then, Sketchbook came back with the kids. "Soo... there's only a couple tents open, not enough for all of us to have our own tent each so uh, some of us will have to sharee..." She smiled nervously. "I call my own tent." Shrignold immediately said. "We're just gonna have the tents like we had the seating arrangements in the car." Sketchbook said. Shrignold looked over  at Larry and back at Sketchbook, "so how big are these tents-?" He asked. Sketchbook shrugged. "I GET TO CUDDLE WITH TONY? HE NEVER LETS ME DO THAT!" Colin said excitedly. "Oh, shush you." Tony muttered. "Anyway, follow me to the area where we'll be camping at!"

1363 words. Wowza. Uh anyway, I'll have like a uhh.. a story that goes along with this, it'll just be called 'camping', not 'road trip' soo yeah. Anyway, bye nerds, love ya ඞ👴👍

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