Frosty fun

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It was another cold comfortable morning for jack; waking up perched on a frosty tree branch cuddling his stick. He had morning wood but because of his new found visibility, he couldn't just wank anywhere he wanted like before, so he waited for it to go down before deciding to slide down the tree trunk and wander around the small town.

Ever since saving the world from the boogy man, he'd left the guardians temporarily to recover. And had found himself living with the Jamie and his family, who'd been advertising a spare room for a while. He obviously had to tell them he was just an average university student who needed a place to live, but Jamie, who was 13 now, knew his secret, and kept it well. He explained the stick as a science project from his "class" as not to raise suspicions with Jamie's parents. But it was summer, so Jack had more freedom to sleep out, do his frosty work when needed, and just have fun. Whilst the Bennet family home was warm and cozy, and they were lovely. Jack proffered his usual spot on the tree, bathing his pale frosty skin in the moonlight.

As he wandered round, stopping in at a few places on his way. He remembered the old lake, where he'd mess with kids or just skate around. So he decided to entertain old haunts and go back for a skate. As it was summer, no one would be near the lake as it wouldn't be frozen over. So he'd be free to use his frost to freeze it and skate for the day.

On the other side of the Atlantic however, on an island near Staffa, of the Inner Hebrides in Argyll and Bute, in Scotland, more commonly known as Berk. Things were great, the dragons were happy, herding sheep, assisting fishermen, and providing great entertainment as they rolled around playing or flew around. However hiccup, a young boy, now chief; well he was getting bored, after stealthily exploring some of the surrounding islands, he'd seen modern developments and wanted a taste of the great unknown.

It was sunrise in Berk, and hiccup had pulled astrid aside from combat training, and asked for a word. They both sat down nervously in the great hall; "hiccup, what's up, you're scaring me" Astrid spoke firmly, "I have some errands to run; and I don't know when I'll be back. I need to ask you a favour" he said pulling out a box from under the table, "what is it hiccup, and where are you going" she questioned, "I'm going to a far away land to explore for some new dragons and food supplies, but it could take a while, so that's why I'm giving you this" he handed her the box, heavy and old. She opened it slowly and gasped, "hiccup this is your chief helmet" she spoke breathily. "I want you to be the chieftainess whilst I'm gone, and when I return, we can discuss where to go next" he said solemnly, "hiccup a-are you sure?" She said looking down, "I've already discussed it with elder Gothi" he demands, leaving no room for discussion. And with that, they say their goodbyes.

Hiccup heads to the armoury, and gets busy working, he forged a new suit idea he'd been experimenting with after close analysis of his combat. He notices that a lot of Viking's and foes use head butting, so he forms a golden headpiece not too far off a tiara, similar to the ones the amazons general Antiope wore. And he also realised, his sword is heavy and not always practical, so he forged two arm bracers, typically, they'd wear leather, but for this, he'd used a new metal they found when trading with the Amazons, Feminum, it was stronger and more durable than anything seen before, and he used it to make his shield also. For his bodice he forged a chest piece made of a strong dense metal known as osmium, it was a blood red colour to symbolise bloodshed and passion, and a bold gold eagle in the centre to symbolise his freedom. For his legs he had a fabric tasset covering his privates and hips, leaving his thighs exposed; as well hold and red thigh high osmium metal boots matching his chest piece. Additionally he had a strong ancient sword his grandmother, queen Hippolyta, used, as well as her shield.

He saddled up toothless with his shiny new saddle, and took flight. Flying to the USA. It took days and they made many stops along the way. But eventually found themselves flying over a small town. Toothless was exhausted, grunting and whining and grumbling. "Cmon bud we're nearly there don't go down" hiccup begged, but toothless was getting drowsier and drowsier and in no time they were crash landing on a small frozen lake, hiccups admire clanking against the ice. After coughing, hiccup looked agitated at toothless "thanks for that bud" but when he turned around, he say a petite boy with snowy pale skin and icy blue eyes, pink lips and feather white hair, his jaw was dropped at the two of them. His blue hoodie blowing in the wind, brown trousers clinging tightly to his curvy, skinny body. He was carrying a brown Shepard's stick, frozen at the top. "Don't scream, he won't hurt you I promise" hiccup said softly, holding a hand out in a similar manor that he used to calm toothless. The pale boy edged slowly closer to them, "w- who are you?" The boy asked timidly, "I am hiccup, chief of berk, and this is my dragon, toothless" hiccup calmly informed him, toothless chipping in with a low friendly grumble and a gummy smile. "And who would you be" hiccup asked, "uh, I am... Jacque snow" jack lied. "Jacque? That's cute, think I'll call you Jack, for easiness" hiccup claims, "y yeh that's cool".

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