Chapter 7

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Enid's POV

That day, one member of the staff interrupted Doctor Kinbott lesson to say that Miss Weems wanted me in her office at the end of the lesson.

It was weird. I mean the full moon has just passed and I didn't end in any trouble this time, so I have no idea why she was calling me in her office. So I went there pretty nervous.

I knocked at the door and, when Miss Weems said "Come in", I opened it and enetered in the room. The office was dark and full of inanimated animals like always. The only new thing was the brunette girl, dressed in black, standing in front the principal's desk and looking at me like I was the last thing she wanted to see.

- Did you called me, Miss Weems? - I asked.

- Miss Sinclair, this is Miss Wednesday Addams, your new roomate. I would appreciate if you walked her to the school and show her your room. - She told me like I have any chance to say no. Obviously I didn't. - Miss Addams, Enid will be your guide. I hope you'll find yourselves compatible. - She said to the girl whose name apparently was Wednesday Addams and was now my roomate.

I opened the door and followed Wednesday outside, showing her the school and the students, explaining her that Nevermore welcomed all the supernatural creatures and the ones that don't fit in the world outside.

- You seem to be pretty normal - She said, with her deadly tone. - Why are you here?

I didn't want to talk about that. I mean I had to tell my new roomate about the fact that I will disappear one day at months 'cause I turned into a werewolf during the full moon. But I have just met this girl and I'm not sure how she would react at the news her roomate turns into a dangerous creatures that hunts humans once a month.

- "Seem" is the key word - I replied, not directly answering her question. - Now, what do you think if I present you the other students? - I asked, trying to distract her. She was obviously not happy about my-not-answer but didn't say anything so I proceeded to show her the different kind of students.

- Here's the werewolves, the vampires, the witches and every other creature you could think about - I explained, pointing at the different groups of students.

The werewolves were sat at a table, eating raw meat, the vampires were on a bench, drinking from blood sacks and looking at their phones, the witches were on the ground, confronting the recipes on their grimoires. The other undefined students were doing normal teenagers shit.

Well, "normal" was a word that can't cohexist with Nevermore students. Normality here was throwing knives at the apple on the head of someone else.

- And this is our room - I said, opening the door. The room was divided in two side, mine - full of my favorite k-pop groups' posters and with pile of my clothes everywhere - and Wednesday's side - empty and on the tone of black. - What do you think? - I asked her.

She was standing there, one of my pink socks - the one I lost in the chaos - in her hand.

- I thinnk if your things don't trepass in my side of the room, we won't have problems.

I picked the socks from her hand and thanked her, then proceeded to throw it in the pile of clothes in the corner. - I'll let you unpack your luggage - I said pointing at the suitcases on her bed. - We'll see at dinner. The dining room is one of the rooms we passed by. If you can't find it, ask one of the students.

I left the room and went to meet my friends.

I didn't have many friends at Nevermore, just three. Tamara, the vampire who always wore sunglasses; Xavier, a demigod who loves all kind of mithology; and Ajax - I still don't know what kind of supernatural creatures they are, honestly - they're the ace of the archery team and Nevermore's party beast.

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