A Simple Request

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"Caleb, calm down. You can't have gained THAT much, you're just catastrophizing. How much is it, ten pounds? Fifteen?"

Caleb slowed his breathing and fiddled with the strings on his ill-fitting sweat pants, gearing himself up to tell his fitness obsessed best friend just how much he had fallen off the wagon. Trying to push the thought of disappointing his closest ally to the back of his mind, he finally spoke.  "Um... Try forty."

"Holy shit, forty pounds? Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't even know it was possible to gain that much."

"So you're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? If anything I'm in awe."

"But the diet..."

"Oh, screw the diet Caleb. I think we've fallen into fertile soil for an experiment here. If you're willing to trust me, of course."

"I mean, I don't see why I wouldn't?"

"Fantastic, you'll love me for this, don't worry. I'll meet you at yours in 30."

"But wha-"

Jordie hung up the phone. 

A Man Well-FedWhere stories live. Discover now