𝟏𝟕: back up plan

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𝟏𝟕: back up plan"Next time listen

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𝟏𝟕: back up plan
"Next time listen."

"We have the moonstone, doppelgänger, witch, vampire, and we will have the werewolf today brother." Klaus rolled his eyes at Nikolai's stress.

"You do realize that one of the Salvatore siblings will try to stop us from breaking the curse, right Niklaus?" Nikolai raised a brow, as he pulled his fangs out of Greta's wrist.

"And you realize that we have our backup plan intact?" Klaus retorted, as he also raised a brow.

"Mm, thank god for wolves traveling in packs. It makes it much much easier." Nikolai hummed, as he wiped the blood off his lip before sucking it off of his thumb.

"Now what to do with them." Klaus hummed, as he looked over at Alaric and Jacob with a smirk on his lips.

Nikolai walked over to where Jacob was tied to a chair, before crouching down in front of him. "Your going to be very useful to me." He admitted, as he gripped Jacob's chin so the werewolf would look at him. "Especially today." Nikolai hummed, as he locked eyes with Jacob.

"Go to hell." Jacob snarled, as he somewhat lunged at Nikolai.

Nikolai grabbed ahold of Jacob's hair, before harshly tugging his head back. "I want you to go and tell your little Scooby gang that the ritual happens tonight. Make sure you clarify to Damon and Ondina that if they try anything, it'll be your head on a pike." Nikolai compelled him, before letting go.

"Ah yes, our little siphoner." Klaus hummed. "I can't wait to see the fire in her, especially after you killed her lover."

"What? You killed Rose?" Alaric asked, as he went slightly wide eyed.

"Who's Rose?" Jacob questioned. When Nikolai took over Jacob's body, it was like he had blacked out. And when he got his body back he remembered nothing.

"It was necessary." Nikolai shrugged, as he looked over at Alaric before looking at Jacob. "Someone I killed using your body."

"She's going to kill you." Alaric scoffed, as he glared at Nikolai.

"She can try." Nikolai corrected. "But, that's what i'm hoping for."

"He's right you know. Ondina, isn't one to trifle with Nikolai. She took out a good deal of the folk's here back in 1864." Jacob added.

"You two won't have to worry about that." Klaus hummed, as he walked over. "Your going to forget that Nikolai killed Rose, and if this compulsion ever breaks you'll kill yourselves if you warn her."

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