spook sixty three ;; ☾

640 32 51

a/n : gore warning for the end of this chapter!

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"bless you."

"thank you." you sniffled pathetically, peering past the dusty door you had just flung open into the darker, even dustier room. "aoi? you in here?"

you, akane kun, and hanako had all but turned no. 6's boundary upside down in your search for aoi- but you weren't having any luck whatsoever. it had been nearly an hour, and still no sign of your friend. shifting aoi's discarded woven basket to your other arm, you sighed; akane had been reluctant to give it to you at first, but after he nearly wrecked it in his frantic search for the purple haired girl you had insisted to take it instead.

you let out another frustrated sneeze as you slammed the door shut, stirring up dust once more.

"bless you." hanako repeated.

"thank you."

after a few more minutes, the three of you gathered on a balcony, staring across the boundary and occasionally calling out for the purple haired girl. you opened your mouth to yell out her name again, but changed your mind and instead let out an angry shout.

"this sucks- where the hell could that guy have taken her?!" you spat, bristling in exasperation. "there's nothing here! no other supernaturals, no traces of aoi, nothing!!"

your voice echoed over the boundary, completely void of any other life- or, afterlife, if you wanted to get technical. akane crossed his arms, glancing around with a shake of his head. "it's actually creepier that the place is this empty..."

"safer, though." hanako insisted, poking the redhead's cheek. you buried your face in your hands with a soft whine.

"oh, this is all my fault... i should've protected her..." you murmured guiltily, tugging at a strand of your hair. hanako sidled up beside you, breaking into a nervous sweat.

"what if no. 6 is doing dirty things to her...?"

you turned to face him, narrowing your eyes to slits.

"i will rip out his intestines with my own bare hands and make him into a side dish."

the supernatural shuddered at your blunt words, inching a few steps back. akane let out a tired groan, turning to face the two of you.

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