Chapter 4 - The meeting

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I look at the numbers above the door. They show us what floor we are on: 5, 4… Suddenly, we stopped and the door is still closed. I look above it: we are on the third floor.

“What happened?” he asks.

“I don’t know and I don’t really like it.” I reply.

“Are you claustrophobic?”

“No, no, I just don’t really like that.”

He looks athis cellphone and he moves it in air.

“I don’t have network.” He said. I do the same thing that he did.

“Me neither. Do you have an appointment?”

“Not really, but my friend is waiting for me.” We stopped talking awhile and he restarts. “I think the only thing we can do right now is talking and we didn’t present each other. I’m Nathan, and you?”


“It’s a beautiful name and it’s really nice to meet you.” I smirk.

“Thanks. You too.”

We talked for a while and we exchanged our phone number. I think he’s really nice.

“Do you want to play a card game?” he asks me.

“If we are stucked here for a while, why not.” I replied.

He opens his backpack and takes out a card deck. We sat on the floor and we began playing. We played three times the same game. Nathan won twice and I won the last one. He’s really good. We are starting a new game while, suddenly, the elevator began to go down again. Why now?


 The door opens, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

“It was really fun to play cards in an elevator. I never expect it. We need to do this again sometime.” I said to her.

“Of course! And it was really nice to meet you.” We leave the elevator. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” I replied.

 I get in my friend’s car. Alex was a little impatient.

“Hey, bro! What happened? I’ve been waiting for you for an hour!” He said to me impatiently.

“The elevator was broken.” I answered.

“And you took one hour to get down the stairs?”

“I was in the elevator when it happened.”

            I look out the window. Laura is there, walking on the sidewalk. She’s so beautiful with her ponytail and her jogging suit.

“Who is it?” He saw her too.

“She just moved in town.” I simply answered.

“She’s pretty cute.” I smirk, yes she is.

 He starts the car. I remembered that I don’t know where we are going, so I ask him again:

“Where we are going?”

“You will see.”

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