Twenty-One: Separation

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We watched the lava spew out of the mine's entrance and as said entry crumble due to the how liquid invading its every crevices.

The end of the world was prevented.

Let us just hope that there were still people and other living beings who survived-if not, then what even was the meaning of reheating the Earth?

"So you graced us with your presence, oh mighty a-hole." Sarcasm was very much evident in Elliot's voice. "What brought you here? Oh, I know! You're here to take us back to the labs, are you?" He pulled me closer to his side as if to protect me.

"I just helped you." Came Nathan's response.

I just noticed that he was wearing something like a body suit, a black matte one that hugged every contour his body had but his feet were bare. How come it didn't melt like the leather trench coat?

"Should we be bowing our heads and thanking you?" Elliot was thorny.

The lava started to pool in the mine's making it look like some volcano ready to erupt. "We should get out of here, the lava is rising." That and that I was starting to feel cold again.

If I dive in the molten pool below me would it ease this uncomfortable feeling?

I could give it a try seeing that the melted rocks provided me with such good feeling from before.

I took a step back, ready to jump when Elliot's hand grabbed mine. "Nope, my friend, as much as I would love to see you on the bliss, I have no clothes to give you anymore."

"What are you doing?" Asked the other man beside us.

"None of your damnity." I mumbled and started to retreat, pulling my friend with me.

But we couldn't just shake the jerk off. He followed behind.

We continued to venture away from the mine, nonetheless.

The cold was starting to seep in my muscles and bones that the uncomfortableness started to become painful. What was happening to me?

I still could hear Nathan's footsteps close behind so I turned and stalked towards him. "What do you want?"

He stared down at me. "I just want to go where you're going."

"For what reason, to betray us again? You know what, stop this backstabbing thing. Take out your knife and try to stab us in the front. If you can." I was suddenly irritable for some reason and I was cold as fuck.

"You don't look so good."

I stared at his dark red eyes. "Don't pretend that you care. And stop tailing us." I turned and walked with shaky legs towards Elliot who hadn't moved.

"Elliot, I think I'm about to freeze to my death." As a matter of fact I could feel my energy waning with every step we took.

"I didn't turn on you." The bastard just wouldn't leave us alone. "What if I told you I was being controlled?"

"Yeah, and I am a wizard that pulled the sun and oblivionized my enemies that time." I shouted back. "Go back to where you came from and stop bothering us. Better yet, get on with trying to abduct us so we could fight you and end this." What even was this? Endless pursuit of imprisoning a meta-human and reproducing others like her? For what, world dominance?

We just wanted a normal life after waking up from something the hurt and lies that was done to us, for Pete's sake!

"It's not like that."

Okay, let's just get this over with.

Loud cracks began to echo from somewhere as I once again stalk to where he was. On the way I caught glimpse of my nails in their bluish state. "Okay, fine. Let's say that you didn't betray us at all and you were not in your right state of mind." I was speaking rapidly maybe it was due to my trembling lips that were slowly losing their feel. "Fine. We forgive you, there's no more bad blood between us. This settles it, now let's go our separate ways and go about our own lives like nothing happened."

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