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Carson's in class reading waiting for the bell to ring. she looks at the clock every 10 minutes hoping it's time to leave. it's not. she continue reading and she feel arms wrap around you. it's Samuel.  "whatcha reading" he says with a big smirk on his face. you quickly close your book and say "oh it's nothing" and go to put it in your bag. he grabbed it just before you set it in your bag.

"what's this.? the tails of Carson and Samuel" you snatch the book and say "that's not the name. it's 7 seas" you giggled

"what are you doing here Sam school isn't over for another 5 minutes." she said "yeah but i finished my work and i misses you and was wondering if you would want to walk home together"
you obviously said yes.

but little did she know that wasn't the plan.

as the bell rang she got her stuff and samuel grabbed her hand. she didn't mind of that. Samuel lead her to the library till it closes. as he walked her home it started to rain. they both looked at each other and ran to her house.

by the time they got there, they where both soaked. she asked him if he wanted to come inside and dry off he. said nothing and just came in with no hesitation. they both dried off and carson got into comfortable pajamas.

samuel was about to leave when Carson he could stay if he wanted. he went over to her grabbed her hands and said "i would love to do that"

her stomach automatically filled with butterfly's and turned a dark pink got snacks and blankets and found a movie they sat down and started to watch.
but than power went out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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