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You ran to the girls bathroom sobbing.  "why is he so mean now " you said to yourself quietly.

After a few minutes of crying the bell rang and you walked out the bathroom wiping tears from your face  and with books in your hands and started walking to lunch.

On your way to lunch you feel someone grab your hand. It was your crush Samuel. 

"carson wait" he said. you turned around and said "go away please"

"we need to talk" he said  as you yank your hand out of his you than sped off to lunch. Not turning around you could hear him in the distance "i'm sorry" he yelled...

After school...

you got home and needed a brake from people so you lit some candles lit a fire and turned on a movie. just as the movie started it started to pour rain outside.

you looked outside and smiled. You started your movie and got about halfway through and then heard a knock on the door.

it was your best friend Noah. "i've been looking for you all day" he said. you let him in and ask if he wants to watch a movie with you he agrees.

you finish the movie and decide to watch a few more. after those where over.  Noah gave you a hug than left.

later that night you try to fall asleep but all you could think about is Samuel and what he said in school.

you had so many questions. "why would he say that"
"he's became such a jerk" "what happed"

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