Chapter 21

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Lisa's POV

The food court is packed. The sound of screaming toddlers and gossiping high school freshmen could probably break the sound barrier. I grab every sample available as we make our way around, peering at the different options, my eyes widening when I see exactly what I'm looking for.

Bulgogi Boyz. Squeezed in between a Subway and a burger place.

There's a group of twentysomething guys absolutely crushing it on the grill and prep line, meat and veggies flying everywhere through a cloud of steam and smoke. It reminds me of the food truck, only way less greasy, way more organized, and with elbow room to spare.

"Oh, heck yes. It's here," I say, my mouth full of chicken teriyaki and mini- cheesesteak bites. I grab Roseanne's arm, leading her through the crowd to the Korean place, Clare trailing just behind us. "Samantha introduced me to Bulgogi Boyz this summer. There was one down the block from Tilted Rabbit, where I worked. She got takeout from there all the time, and I've been craving it like crazy since I left."

Roseanne hesitates as we get into line, biting her lip as she shoots a glance back at her mom. Her unfinished words from the dressing room come back to me as I pop one of the sample toothpicks in my mouth and follow her gaze to see Mrs. Park's arms are crossed, her face scrunched up as she watches someone carry off a red tray of rice and delicious, steaming beef.

I don't really understand what's happening, but I can tell something's off.

"We can totally get something else," I say, reaching out to tap Roseanne's arm. "That mini-cheesesteak bite was delicious."

Roseanne's eyes flick back to my face, and she shakes her head. "No, no. It's cool." She shrugs, and she looks... almost defiant, her arms crossing over her chest. "I want to try it."

When we get to the front, the older man working the counter gives us a big smile, taking our orders before calling them back to the younger guys on the grill.

Then he looks past us at Roseanne's mom. "What can I get for you?" he asks.

She doesn't say anything, his voice likely getting drowned out by the bustling food court of people.

And then...

He repeats the question in Korean, thinking that may be the problem.

I watch Roseanne wince as Clare gives him a look of contempt. "I don't speak"— she waves her hand around—"your language."

Oh shit.

A couple of people waiting for their food turn to look in our direction.

Clare hoists up her bags, nodding to the burger place next door. "I'm craving a burger. Can you guys grab a table?"

Roseanne nods, turning back to the man behind the counter, who looks more confused than anything else. When Clare is out of earshot, she gives a hurried apology. "Sorry about... that. She just... I..." Her cheeks are bright red, and I watch as she fumbles with her wallet, trying to get her money out from the small inner pocket. The entire thing falls onto the floor, which I'm pretty sure she's hoping will open up and swallow her at this point.

"I got it." I hold out a twenty to the man before reaching down to scoop up the wallet and hand it back to her.

I put the three dollars of change into the tip jar and grab Roseanne's hand, pulling her away to wait for our number to be called.

"You good?" I ask her, studying her red cheeks, her slightly glassy brown eyes. She nods, but as we pick up our food and find a table, it's pretty clear she's not.

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