chapter 5

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suddenly, minnie mouse came up to them. "dolores is right shrek. i saw what happened. blame woody not dolores" minnie explained. "omgggg tysmmmm bestayyy" umbridge exclaimed hugging minnie. "ofc" minnie replied hugging her back. then minnie left to go back to kissing goofy as she was cheating on mickey with goofy. "im so sorry bby" shrek said taking umbridges hand and leading her to the restaurant. "its okay" umbridge said giggling. she then kissed his shrexy green lips. they sat on a table and ordered nemo and his father for dinner. the waiter was ronald mcdonald. he was so super duper nice to them and was their new bestay cuz he is so slay. soon night ninja from pj masks came and started to sing let it go. his voice was amazinggggg. "do u wanna dance" shrek asked. "yesssssss" umbridge said excitedly. the couple then made their way to the dance floor. they danced and danced. then they ordered sandy cheeks for dessert. she was very yummy. after a limo picked them up and took them to shreks swamp. dolores and shrek then spent the night there.

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