chapter 4

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dolores finally got ready. she wore a red and white dress with purple heels. he soon heard a knock on her door. she opened it and there was shrek in a suit holding roses. "are these for me?" dolores asked. "yes ofc" shrek said smiling and showing his rotten teeth. "tyyy" dolores said smiling too. she kissed his green cheek and took the flowers. "lets go" shrek declared. "okay" dolores said linking her arm in his. they then walked out of dolores's house. they then saw a limo there. they got in it. the driver was woody. "howdy" woody asked. "stfu u fugly mugly and drive us" dolores said glaring at him. "okay sorry" woody said crying. he then drove them to the restaurant still crying. soon they reached the restaurant. shrek exited the limo before umbridge did. before umbridge could leave woody spoke to her. "wait! please! im in love with you" woody confessed. he then jumped from the front seat to the back seat and kissed umbridge. unfortunately, shrek saw them through the window. "what!!" he exclaimed. umbridge pushed woody away. "ewwww!!! get away from me you fucking ugly bitch" umbridge yelled. woody cried harder than ever. suddenly, the door opened and shrek was there. he punched woody over and over again until woody was completely covered in blood. woody was now passed out in the limo. then shrek looked at umbridge with tears in his eyes. "how could you do this to me" he asked. "it wasn't what you thought bby I promise" umbridge said almost crying. he was about to leave when....

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