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By the time Prescilla returned home it was quite late. Not only did she share lunch with Richard, her dear friend, but she also spent the rest of the day with him. They had gone after lunch to catch a Hindi movie, most of which she understood by now. It was hilarious the way he couldn't understand and kept uttering absolutely rubbish side comments through out the movie, making her

laugh and forcing her to translate the dialogues for him so that he could understand. Later they had had tea at Oberoi Grand's coffee shop and then after quite some quibbling gone over to his place to unwind and reminisce some more. All of his excuses were total bogus but she forgave him for not keeping in touch because she knew that even between the best of friends issues crop up and only time and distance can heal the gap as it had theirs. Never through out did he behave in any way ontoward, never said a wrong word, the only thing between them was pure good friendly fun or so she thought. She had dismissed her car and driver after her lunch and had been going around in his car. It was 8.30 P.M. as she rang the bell of their house and she hoped that Ian had not returned or that even if he had he hadn't had to wait too long. She was very excited to show her purchases to him and also narrate how she had spent the day with Richard, enjoying it most thoroughly.

The main maid, a portly lady who always wore cotton sarees, opened the door. "Good evening maim sahib, sahib has asked you to go to him immediately."

she said.

"Why, whats happened and where is aunty, is she in her room?" she asked as she walked in and didn't see Gertie either in the drawing or dining room hall.

"No, maim sahib, she has gone to meet some friends and will only be back on Monday." so saying the maid walked off to continue her remaining work.

Prescilla thought it odd that aunty was going off now almost every Friday to visit either friends or supposed relatives, whom she had never seen, not even at their wedding. She must ask her about it, she thought as she walked up to their second floor bedroom.

She found Ian drinking whiskey on the coffee table, wearing a robe and definitely looking very put out. "Whats up Ian, what time did you come home, why did the maid ask me to come up immediately" she asked all together as she walked towards him and sat on a chair beside him. He had been contemplating a business magazine but when he raised his head she could clearly see that he was drunk and extremely angry. His black eyes looked dangerous.

"Where have you been for so long?" he asked very softly. His soft tone didn't fool her though. She knew that it was the lull before the storm and gasped in fear.

"I spent the day shopping for you and bought you some stuff the you required and on the way back saw Richard, he insisted that we spent the rest of the day together and since you normally don't come back before 8.30 or 9 o'clock, I thought, why not. Why are you so annoyed?" she asked in a whisper.

"And not for a moment did you think of informing me of your whereabouts?"

"No, I thought of informing you before lunch but then thought that you may be busy. Later when I wanted to ring you, I saw that my cell phone had gone dead and not remembering your number I couldn't even ring you up from Richards phone. On reaching his place I even requested for a charger but he didnt have one that would match mine, so...... " she shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh!, so you went to his place and spent time all alone, I'd sure like to know why you took such a risk when just lately he had behaved so abominably with you?" he asked her staring into her grey eyes and for once she saw that her eyes had no effect on him, not at all reducing his anger, instead he seemed to be getting steadily angrier. "Or was it a calculated risk on your part?" he continued, his voice getting louder.

"Please, darling don't be so annoyed with me, I had asked you,remember the day you had last come back from your Bombay trip, and you had acquiesced to our friendship, he had apologised very well that day for his bad behavior. Lets not forget that I know Richard for a very long time and he isn't a bad man. We both know that he is a man who can be trusted."

"Talk of yourself, I don't trust him at all,...." he wanted to add some more but was cut off by her.

"At least you can trust your wife." Prescilla said with a pleading tone.

"I thought I could trust you but now, " he paused for some time "now I simply don't know. I'd come home early because you always complain that we do nothing over the weekends. I had thought that perhaps we could make it a night out, enjoying ourselves the way young couples are supposed to, but you'd rather be with your friend than with me."

She had been trying very hard to not react in a negative way, trying her best to ease away his undue temper, but his open criticism of her character couldn't be tolerated. Her father had taught her to be patient but not weak. She exploded."Damn! it Ian, I won't tolerate such outright murder of my character, I am a virtuous woman and I love you. I have never indulged in anything wrong, yes, it was wrong on my part not to inform you when I still had my phone battery but it was a mistake and not a calculated risk as you are trying to mean. I'm sorry if I've hurt you but it was never my intention."

"I don't care!" he shouted as he rose suddenly "but never again raise your voice with me."

She rose too and walking a little closer took his whiskey glass from his hand and placing it on the table stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

He roughly pushed her away "Please I don't want your love, go give it to someone who'd be more appreciative of it." he said.

She looked at him with her sorrow in her eyes. When neither of them moved and kept staring for ages, he saw her eyes brimming with tears. He turned his head to his left and groaned uttering curses in Punjabi, which she couldn't understand but could very well guess. Taking his glass up again, he drained it in one shot and walked to the bathroom. After some time he walked out completely dressed.

Seeing him picking up his wallet,keys and cellphone she asked " Where are you going? It's very late and you've not even had your dinner."

Smirking, he said "Don't wait for me ever after today as I definitely shall not. You are free to do as you wish and I ask the same privilidge from you." so saying he walked off.

Prescilla flopped down on the bed and wept profusely and wished with all her heart that he would come back and they could make up but ofcourse that didn't happen.

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