Chapter Three - Level of idiocy

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I've managed to create a whole new level of idiocy, i mean jesus christ the call and hang up move is so... UGH, Mrs Barns (AKA Lesily) and me where just closing up shop it was about eight thirty and it has been such a long day "Lesily, you look so tired let me walk you to your car so you can go home, i can lock up" Lesily is soo sweet but she's really past her days of staying up late " your far too good for me Ian"  I smiled and lead her to her car in the mall parking lot "night" my voice seemed far too lound in the silence of the lot at night. "night deary".

I finshed inventory, stocked the shelves and finally locked the store and just gone midnight, since it was late I should probaly just head home considering that my parents will stil either be out or passed out on the couch. My house is a not so friendly place to be, my mum and dad are constantly either drunk and yelling, drunk or yelling it's never just peace, hence the job choice I leave at around 7 in the morn and get back at about midnight, driving home never takes long but tonight it felt even quicker than usually. As I swung open the front door I was welcomed by the sent of gone off food and alcahol the invasion into my nostrails was not pleasent, "Sweetie?" great mum was neither passed out or just out that means my night is gonna be even longer "yes mum" this is our little routing she would ask how my day was then act like she cares about response, ask me for money the go get more boose, "how was your day?" see what did I tell ya "it was fine mum if you don't mind i'm really tired and I just wanna go to bed" and with that I headed towards my little safe heaven. 

Why are alarms so friggin loud I just wanna sleep, let me sleep please! Two reasons why I loth Fridays, one: I don't have to go to work till 6pm meaning family fun day and two: three words family counsel day and let me tell ya counseling is not all it's cracked up to be yelling parents and a counseler who sits there and nods and then asks "did today help you at all?". I was in no hurry to get up as it was 9am and counselling was a 3 till 4, Eventually though I hauled my ass from the warmth of my bed, I pad barefoot downstairs I guess friday has one good thing my parents go to work at 6am and aren't back till noon-ish, I started cooking until the smell of pancakes made the house smell slightly less revloting and more homey. 

Mum left a list of things she needed for me to get downtown, 

Bread, Milk, Jam, Jack Daniels, Vodka Ice, Butter and eggs 

standard list from my mum, the funny thing is my mum actually talked the manager in the store into giving me a parental liquoir license of which my mum has to sign monthly checking what I bought not that she cares she doesn't read it any way she just signs, but thats how desperate they are to drink away their issues. While I was heading down the bread isle there she was, she was with a little girl her sister I suspect, their trolley was completely full I guess it was their shopping day. Then her perfect eyes found mine and I couldn't help but smile "hello" once again I felt like a loser because every time she spoke my heart melted, how could a girl do this to me? "hey" still a loser, even though this time I didn;t screw up my words, she eyed my basket and gave me a strange look "wow thats a lot of alcahol, are you having a party?" what, oh know she asked me something fudge I was lost looking into her eyes up, oh alcahol what do I say yeah my parents are alcaholics and they send me to get their drinks, silly mum I mean what should I say "oh no, it's for my parents they have, issue's" issues, issues I am a complete idiot why did i say that!  My eyes dropped to the floor I felt so ashamed, " I'm sorry, I really hope things get better" there she goes again leaving me speachless not alot of people would act so nochalant about it "yeah me too" she nodded and looked at the little girl who was holding a chocolate bar pleading with her eyes, Lex let her have it. Okay knows your chance ask her to hang out "ummm so Lexi, are you busy tonight?" her eyes flew to mine she looked shocked was that good oh no it's not good why would she got out with me i'm a loser! " I would love to but I have to take care of my sister tonight" she looked a little sad about it I'm hoping that meant she wanted to go with me " there is a carnival in town tonight, maybe she would like to do that?" the little girl started jumping up and down looking excited "that's a great idea, I planned on taking this little one at some point, so should we say meet at 3;30 ish" Shiz no stupid counselling I guess I could skip and if we met any later I have work, screw it! "yeh 3;30 sounds perfect should we meet at the entrance?" she nodded and smiled. 

I arrived back at the house around 2;30 to walk in on my mum pouring her pre-counsel drink , as usual my dad would meet us there. "So mr and mrs Harper, Ian how are things?" the tension level rised about 4 levels just from that question so I decided to speak first "there okay, umm but I have to leave at twenty past three today." My parents gave me angry glares and looks but I shook them of as in 30 minutes I would see her again. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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