Murder in the Citadel

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Dark Cacao Cookie's heart raced in his chest as he stared at the body of his son on the cold, stone ground. He had a massive wound across his stomach and a puddle of strawberry jam formed under his body.

"Wh-what happened...?!" He gasped.

"Y-you...attacked..." GingerBrave grunted before stumbling to the ground, Strawberry Cookie and Custard Cookie III tending to his wounds. What on Earthbread had happened...?!

He took another glance at his son's body, his jam running cold as he realized something.

The wound on Dark Choco Cookie's stomach was a sword wound.

He looked down at his own blade...

It was smeared in jam.

Then it hit him.

He had murdered his own son.

He dropped his jammed sword, the floor cracking below it as it dropped to the ground.

"No no no!" The king muttered, his voice quiet yet laden with desperation as he dropped to his knees next to the body of his son.

"Dark Choco Cookie, wake up!" He whispered, shaking his son. "Please...!"

He quietly pulled away as the realization set in.

His son truly was gone.


He had just apologized for his past mistakes...and now this happens...?

Was this the heavens' way of punishing him...?

He stood back up, head down and hands shaking.

"Your Majesty..." the Second Watcher put a hand on his clearly distressed king's shoulder.

Blinded by grief and rage, the king whipped around and grasped the Cookie's neck in his hands.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT HIM?!" He roared, strangling the Cookie.

The Second Watcher weakly struggled against the king's grip, gasping for air as he began to turn pale. "W...we c..." he rasped.

"ANSWER ME!!" The king yelled louder, his voice breaking.

"My King, calm yourself!" Caramel Arrow Cookie exclaimed, running up to the angered king and—reluctantly—putting him in a chokehold. Caught off-guard, the king dropped the Second Watcher, who fell to his knees, gasping and clenching his throat.

After he had let go, so did Caramel Arrow Cookie. The king whipped towards her, rage and despair shadowing his gaze.

"It wasn't his fault that Dark Choco Cookie is dead. It wasn't any of the Watchers' faults." She tried to reason with him, her voice firm. "We tried to help, we really did. But there was nothing we could do." Her voice softened and she put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Dark Cacao Cookie's breath hitched in his throat and he looked down at his hands, tears stinging his eyes.

Caramel Arrow Cookie wrapped her arms around him and he broke down completely, sobbing into her shoulder.

"My boy...!" He cried, sobs racking his body. "Give me back my boy!"

Seeing her own king in such a state of pure agony, Caramel Arrow Cookie nearly broke down herself. But she remained calm. She had to.

For the king.

For everyone.

Grief of the King (A Cookie Run: Kingdom fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now