Chapter 2: Javelin

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Three hours had passed since Lance was admitted entry into the Last City by Commander Zavala. Sadly, that was the full extent of their camaraderie, at least for now. Zavala had been pulled away by several other Guardians the minute Lance had been let inside, leaving the very new Hunter to fend for himself for the time being.

On the brighter side of things, Lance had picked up how to "Blink," being a short-ranged teleport. More Light abilities he'd never understand.

Lance and Sora to a walk to the streets, Lance himself deciding to just listen to his little Ghost chirp and chatter about every single shop and restaurant that caught her single, floating eye. The city itself was beautiful, glowing gorgeously in the full moon sky underneath the Traveler's protection, as if itself was shielding humanity's last effort of existence.

Vivid lights colored the streets and atmosphere like a painting while citygoers went about their nightlife. Food carts and different sorts of small ships and hovercrafts littered the side of the roads people traversed. As Lance made his way through the downtown, a dawning problem hit him.

Lance: Uh, Sora? We might have a small issue.

Sora: Hm? What's up?

He started to shuffle through his pockets before eyeing his Ghost through his helmet.

Lance: What's the currency accepted in the city?

Sora: Oh! That's Glimmer. Sort of glowing cubes of matter. You'll know it when you see it.

Lance: Great. And... how much do we have?

His Ghost floated around his head before looking down; she too realized the problem.

Sora: Uh. Six. Crap...

He held out his hand for her to sit in as he eyed a map of the city. The New Light Introduction was in three days. They'd have to find a way to make due. With a small idea in mind, Lance started on his way again, memorizing the city streets and boulevards as he walked. Counting the number of alleys he passed, Lance turned down the fourth, making his way into several dark, unsavory pathways until he came to a small shop with an open counter.

A shady, human male eyed him down from across the counter before spitting a wad of tobacco into a jar on the end of the cage he hid behind.

Shady Human: You buying? Or selling?

Lance: Give me a price.

The Guardian unholstered the shotgun he'd found outside the Wall and slid it towards the merchant. The man's eyes lit up as he quickly grabbed the weapon, then started taking it apart.

Shady Human: 700. Take it or leave it.

Lance nodded, prodding the merchant to throw a block of light blue matter at him. Surprisingly, it disappeared the moment Lance touched it.

Sora: I have it. Don't worry. It didn't go poof. I-

Shady Human: Ey! What's that on your hip? I've never seen one in person! Give it 'ere! I'll pay you top-notch for it!

Lance: It's a gift from Commander Zavala.

The merchant's eyes widened before spitting onto the ground a second time. It seemed even the Vanguard had enemies.

Lance's eyes shot to his pistol before shaking his head and deciding it was a good time to leave. With a wordless wave, he and Sora turned, leaving the merchant to sputter lowball offers until they lost sight of each other. As they started through the alleys again, Sora spoke with a quiet tone.

Sora: Good thinking, Lance. I would've had to split the ammo between the two guns anyway. That merchant shut up when you mentioned the Commander. Slick move.

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