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bruce yamada

i hear my alarm going off. i grunt and hit snooze. i lay in bed for what seemed like a couple of minutes. i finally decide to get up. i stretch and check my clock

7:54!? shit i over slept

i jump out of bed grabbing whatever clothes i can find. i quickly put my shoes on and rush down stairs. nearly tripping down. i grab my backpack and run out the door hearing my mom yell bye. i grab my bike, jump on and peddle as fast as i can. i rush to school not wanting to be late.

i soon approach school lock up my bike and run in. i rush to math. "mr yamada.. your never late what happened?" he asks, "i over slept i'm sorry sir it'll never happen again" i respond panting. "sit" he tells me and i make my way to my seat.

it was about 30 minutes into class "there's like 20 minutes left but we finished the lesson so you guys can do what you want, but if it gets to loud we're gonna do a worksheet" i hear everyone let out a quit 'yes!'

i sit down quietly reading "hey bruce" i hear someone say, i turn around and see a girl. i don't recognize her "hey..." i trail off not knowing her name "it's kayla" she smiles "oh hey! sorry i'm not the best with names" i let out an awkward laugh not knowing what to say. "i was wondering if i can have your number?" she asks sitting down next to me, "oh yeah sure!" i tell her and write it down on a piece of paper. she thanks me and the bell soon rings. i get up quickly leaving.

as i exit i feel my arm get dragged into the janitors closet. "hey yamada" i hear someone say "hey vance" i smile, "you weren't hear this morning. what happened?" he asked "oh yeah i over slept" i let out another awkward laugh "oh" "how was class? assuming you made it?" he asked "it was good, all though this girl wanted me number.." i trailed on, "she what." vance responds looking kinda mad. "don't worry she wasn't even that cute. no one can compare to your looks" i smile leaning in close "okay yamada" he smirks and leans in closing the gap between us. "wanna ditch and hang out at my house?" he asks. "sure, my parents don't get calls when i miss class anyways" he leave the closet and rush out the school doors before anyone notices

we get in his car and drive to his house.

Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran start playing on the he radio.

for some reason it's been playing on repeat

i look over at vance who is quietly singing the lyrics, "are you- are you singing along to an ed sheeran song?" i let out a small laugh "no, fuck off" he violently clears his throat. "mmm sure" i respond in a sarcastic voice. i think he hears the sarcasm in my voice because he lightly punches my arm. we finally get to his house we both get out of the car and walk inside. "my mom isn't home right now and my dad doesn't get back till late so we should be good, i also think my sister is staying at a friends tonight" "what's your sisters name?" i ask as he opens the door and walks inside, i follow close behind him, "her name is vanya" he smiles closing the door, "this is my home" he lets out an awkward chuckle

it's a nice home. it's one floor, the couch is facing the wall that the door is on which also has a TV. there was a door next to the couch that was opening that led to the kitchen. on the other wall there was a hall way with a couple doors in it. he walks to the hall way and i follow behind. there are 3 doors. he opens the one at the very end of the hall. "this is my room" he tells me, "you can sit on the bed" he points to the bed, i go to sit and he soon follows behind me. "we have about 5 hours until we go over to donnas, what should we do?" i ask

vance hopper

"we have about 5 hours until we go over to donnas, what should we do?" bruce asks, why is he so beautiful? his eyes, his lips, his everything, "vance? you there" he waves his hand in-front of my face, "sorry what'd you ask?" i question "did my beauty distract you?" he asks getting really close to my face with a smirk on his face, my face heats up. i can feel it. his face also do, his ears soon turning a pinkish color.

"let's watch a movie" i suggest. "oooo what movie?" he asks moving away "how about the new thor? i haven't seen it" "sure" he smiles and walks into the living room.

4 hours  (let's pretend that they watched the other thor movies before watching love and thunder)

the movie was shit, half way through we stopped paying attention and just started making out. i don't know how we started it kinda just happened.

he pulls away "sorry i just need to breath" he laughs "yeah, what's even happening" i pull my attention back to the screen, "why is there a goat on a rainbow." i question and bruce soon looks at the TV, "i.. don't know" he says in a mildly concerned voice.


vance turns the TV off and turns back to bruce. "hi" bruce smiles leaning into kiss vance "hi" vance responds kissing him. he puts his arm around his waist pulling him in. bruce puts his hand on vance's cheeks, smiling into the kiss. they soon enough both fall back onto the couch.

they don't know how but 30 minutes pass by and they pull apart both hella pink. before they can go in for another kiss the door swings open

billy showalter

school ended about 20 minutes ago, so now i'm with griffin. we walk to vance's house, talking about whatever. "should we knock?" i ask looking over at griffin, "fuck no" he scoffs opening the door.

we're shocked to see vance and bruce... kissing!? bruce quickly jumps off of vance, both of them red as a tomato, "you bitches do you not know how to knock!?" vance yells out getting off the couch while bruce shoved his face into a pillow. "griffin just wanted to walk in" i point at griffin who just glares at me "you fucker!" he lets out a fake offended gasp. "we won't tell anyone!" i reassured them both, "better fucking not" vance grunts "we just wanted to hang out before we went over to donnas" griffin tells them "ever heard of texting?" bruce asks keeping his face in the pillow "we texted and called like 50 times so we just decided to come over" "oh.." was all vance could say and he looked over at bruce

"what we're y'all watching" griffin asks sitting on the floor, "thor love and thunder" bruce grunts finally looking up from the pillow but still very red, i smile "that movie is amazing!" "that movie is ass" griffin sighs looking at me and i look at him "it's a work of art!" i argue, "no it's ass lets be real for a minute" he snarks "bullshit!" "no it's horrible sorry billy" bruce says, my attention goes towards him. i let out an offended gasp.

"on another topic. are you guys dating?" griffin questions and the two just go silence "don't tell anyone or i'll rip your skull out" vance threatens "im not scared of you" griffin smirks "yeah we are" bruce's face returns back to the pillow.

me and griffin look at eachother, i can feel bruce and vance both looking at us. "awww little f slurs" griffin laughs, "bitch!" vance yells throwing a pillow at him. "fucker!" griffin yells back throwing the pillow back at him. "billy control your fucking boyfriend!" vance yells at me, soon griffin goes silent! i feel my face burning up. i hear bruce attempting to hold in his laughter "bitch!" griffin jumps at vance repeatedly hitting him with a pillow, bruce quickly jumps off the couch taking cover behind me. "don't hide behind me!" "he won't kill you but he will kill me!! also griffin just scares me in general" he fake cries out.

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