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As soon as Robby left Tory's, he knew he made a fool of himself, he wasn't lying when he said he had to go to Johnny's, but he definitely made a sharper exit than necessary, Robby knocked on Johnny's door, which was opened straight away "Wow, You look like crap" Johnny said looking Robby up and down "You always make me feel so good about myself dad" Robby said in a sarcastically tone while entering his dad's house "What's the matter with you, did you fall out with Tory, again?" Robby shook his head "No not at all, but I did make a fool of myself" Johnny sat down "Listen, I may not be the best at giving advice but if you tell me what happened I might be able to help" Robby sat down next to Johnny "I love her, I love her so much and I know we haven't been dating long and we only got back together last night, but I know how I feel about her, I know how I feel when she walks into the room, I know how I feel when she kisses me, I know how I feel when she touches my arm, there's this spark beteween us, a spark that me and Sam never had" Johnny sighed
"Love is a strong commitment Robby, are you sure your ready to take that big of a step? I mean you guys have only been dating for a few months, and you also only just got back together" Robby stayed in silence for a moment while he analysed his dad's words "That's the thing, I'm not sure if I'm ready to take the next step, I can't throw away what we have, I don't want to scare her off..." Johnny stood up and walked to the freezer, Johnny then got out 2 beers "Here, that's the real stuff, that's coors banquet, never mind all of this light beer crap that's the real stuff that real men drink" Johnny slid the beer across the table to Robby "Listen Robby, I told you I'm not good at the whole fatherly advice thing so I'll keep this short and sweet, don't commit yourself to someone who's not ready to commit their self to you, make sure you guys are moving at the same pace" Robby nodded
"Your alot wiser than you look" Robby said laughing
"I'll take it" Johnny said smiling, Johnny then raised his beer up in the air "Cheers" Johnny said swigging his beer

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