The Removal of Plates and Screws

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Jake's POV

We arrived into the hospital. Today was the day that I was going to get the plates and screws taken out of my hand and wrist. We walked over to the Receptionist.

"Hello, I'm here to get the plates and screws taken out of my hand and wrist." I exclaimed.

"Okay I just need your full name and date of birth." The Receptionist exclaimed.

"Jacob Alex Hutchinson and my date of birth is 1st March 2006." I exclaimed as I hated saying my full name.

"Okay, wait in the waiting room until your name is called out." The Receptionist exclaimed.

We walked over to waiting room and sat down. Cubby picked up a leaflet from the table and began to read it.

"How are you feeling Jake?" Izzy asked me.

"I'm feeling actually good about it." I exclaimed.

"Wait aren't you a little bit nervous about your surgery?" She asked me.

"Well I am a little bit nervous since I really want this to be successful." I exclaimed.

"Jacob Alex Hutchinson!" I heard my name being called as I stood up.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Izzy asked me.

"No thanks, I'll be fine by myself. I'll see you when I'm settled in my hospital room." I exclaimed.

I walked towards the Nurse, who called out my name, and I walked into the room after she closed the door after me.

"Hello Jacob." The Nurse exclaimed.

"I prefer to be called Jake." I exclaimed as she wrote it down on a clipboard.

"Okay Jake. Let's check your height." The Nurse exclaimed as I walked over to the measuring tape that was on the wall.

I stood against the measuring tape. I feel like I've grown a lot over the past two years like I've had a growth spurt.

"5 ft 6." The Nurse exclaimed as she wrote my height down.

"Now let's check your weight." She exclaimed as I got on the scales.

She wrote down my weight.

"Please sit down on the table." I exclaimed as I did.

She got this tiny hammer out and gently tapped my knee, which made my leg bounce. She checked my heart, temperature, and my chest.

"Everything is good. Now let's get you change into your hospital gown. We're going to help you." The Nurse exclaimed.

"I'm okay to get changed by myself." I exclaimed as I didn't want the nurses to help change me.

"It's hospital rules. Don't worry we've seen it all before." The Nurse exclaimed.

"Okay..." I exclaimed, nervous.

"Can I please just get changed by myself?" I asked The Nurse.

"Sure." The Nurse gave in as she gave me a hospital gown before she left the room.

I got myself changed into the hospital gown and she came back.

"Here's your hospital wristband." The Nurse exclaimed as she placed it on my wrist.

'Name: Jacob Alex Hutchinson
DOB: 1st March 2006
MALE            NHS Number: 3683785'

"I will take you to your hospital room." The Nurse exclaimed as I followed her to my hospital room.

I climbed onto my hospital bed and I covered myself with my blue cotton blanket.

"I will get your friends now." The Nurse as she went to get my girlfriend and Cubby now.

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