Daddy's little girl

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Beau "Cyclone" Simpson x Kehlani "Thor" Simpson x Solomon "warlock" bates (godfather)

(Single father & daughter)
*dialogue is entirely made up*

Summary: If anyone ever asked Beau Simpson, what he was proud of, he'd smile and say it's his little girl. Shocker, because the man was an admiral in the Navy.


If there was anything that Beau Simpson loved more than the Navy, it was his little girl. Being a single father was difficult, but regardless you were his pride and joy.

Being daddy's little girl, you had him wrapped around your finger. Often times when your dad took you out, people always said you were a female version of him. From your facial features to your attitude. To your dad, you're the color to his life;someone who deserved nothing but the world. If he could give it to you, he'll serve it to you on a silver platter.

Growing up, your dad did just about anything and everything for you. Tea party? He's there. Booboo? He'll kiss it better then put a bandaid on. Wanna see your godfather? You best believe Warlock is there with a snap of a finger. No matter the cost, they'll do everything in their power to see you smile and protect you.

From the baby to toddler stages, your father learned many things. Potty training, hairstyles, dressing you in the cutest clothes. The list goes on, he was a man with a plan.

Being at such young age, your dad brought you onto base. You were adored by everyone especially by your godfather, Solomon "warlock" Bates. When your dad or Warlock were instructing, you were behind the podium hugging their leg because some people were staring.

At the age of 5, you already had your heart set on becoming a pilot. So when your dad asked what you wanted to be when you grow up, you had the biggest smile on your face.

"I wanna be like you and Uncle War"

"Me and Uncle War, huh?"

"Yeah daddy! You and Uncle War flies the jets." You explain to the best of your ability.

His face lit up with so much joy with how much you've grown and how smart you were. It was something that made his heart melt. He knew in his mind and soul that whatever you wanted to do, you'd do with such ease and determination.

Beau knew you were "your fathers daughter". He never detoured you from your dreams or goals, but you wanting to become a pilot terrified him. He knew that your little heart was set on it. Shit, you grew up around him and to top it off your godfather is Warlock. Of course he knew the dangers of becoming a pilot, but you were his little girl who wanted to be like him. He was not only your biggest supporter, but your hero.

In the blink of an eye, you were one foot out the door to go to Naval academy. You've never thought you'd see the day that the two Admirals that ran an entire base, cry.

Out with old, in with the new. You were in Naval Academy. You texted your dad and warlock, but it was difficult sometimes. Especially with you wanting to keep up with your studies. They understood, and they couldn't have been anymore proud. Your father was over the moon, that you were fulfilling your dream. He'll never admit it because to him, you were still his little girl that loved cuddles or even had tea parties. Now that you're older, he's proud of the woman you become.

Your dad has been asking what your callsign was, but never said anything. You wanted to keep it a surprise until you graduated. So when the day came for graduation, Warlock and your dad were there. Seeing you in the exact same uniform that he used to wear, made his heart swell. Warlock even told him "Man, she really is the female version of you."

Both your godfather and dad were in for a surprise.

"Swift,unpredictable, and stealthy."

It can't be, can it?

"Graduating at the top 1 percent, I give you Lieutenant Kehlani "Thor" Simpson."

You can see your dad and Warlock in the crowd with teary eyes, cheering you on. This has been something you've always wanted.

When it came to getting your wings, your dad and Warlock were called to the stage. As they got handed your wings, you can see your fathers eyes with tears. When Warlock and your father standing in front of you, they whispered " We're proud of you kid." as they put your wings on. You salute them, it meant the world to you.

After the ceremony was over, you ran to your dad & warlock. They gave you a big hug and telling you how proud of you they were.

As you were looking around, your dad asked "hun who looking for?"

"I want you both to meet someone."

Warlock and your dad looked confused. They both knew you didn't have a boyfriend, you would've said something. Also because as far as they knew, you didn't want one at the time.

"Ok. Who?"

When you found him, you called him over.

"Bob, I would like you to meet-" before you finish Bob cuts you off

"You're.. you're- THE CYCLONE AND WARLOCK. I've heard so much about you." bob says in shock

"Good things, I hope." Warlock says, chuckling.

As the four of you were talking, your Uncle War and dad invited Bob to have dinner with us since Bob's family didn't come. So he immediately became part of ours.

You and Bob knew where you were going for your base station. Firetown, San Diego. You and Bob handed your envelopes to Warlock and your dad to read. They had looked up at you and Bob with a smile.

Looking back, you couldn't have asked for a better parent. If anyone asked you, what it was like to have Cyclone as a father, all you could do was smile.

To you, he was the man that kept you safe. He was there when things didn't turn out right, or you couldn't sleep at night. Your father was someone that supported, cared and loved you regardless. He did it all as a single parent. To you, Cyclone was nothing more than a father who wanted the best for you. You wouldn't change it for the world. You love and admire your dad. He would walk to the ends of the world for you, if you asked.

For Cyclone, he was a man with a plan. A man that ran an entire base. If you walked in his office, he had pictures of you from a baby to now. Even warlock had some pictures of you.

If anyone asked The Beau "Cyclone" Simpson what he was most proud of, he'd just smile and say his little girl. All the memories were replaying in his mind.

You were his pride and joy that had him wrapped around your little finger. He never thought he could love someone as much as he loved you. He even remembered the day you told him that you wanted to be like him and your Uncle Warlock. Now looking at it, it was like looking in a mirror. He finally understands why people called you the female version of him. You went from the sweetest little girl to a woman who didn't take no shit from anyone. Yet in the blink of an eye, you went from a little girl to a grown women with dreams bigger than this world.

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