27. Osasunakomo

53 4 1

Pairing: Suna Rintaro x Miya Osamu x Komori Motoya

Warnings: None

Notes: None

Komori: Hey Rin, can you do me-

Suna: Whenever you want. 

Komori: -a favor... 

Suna: Oh yeah that too.

Osamu: Hey Rin, are you okay

Suna: Yes. 

Komori: Are you sure, darling? You don't look okay. 

Suna: Then stop looking.

*Osamu, handing Suna a steaming cup of coffee*: Blow, Toya. 

*Komori shrugs and kneels down*

Osamu: I meant the coffee! Blow on the coffee, because it's hot.

*At Komori's house (which is shared with the Sakusa family)*

*Osamu leaves Komori's room*

*Atsumu comes out of Sakusa's room*

*Osamu raises an eyebrow at Atsumu*

*Atsumu does the same thing*

Osamu: You didn't see anything.

Atsumu: You didn't either. 

Osamu: Okay. 

Atsumu: alright.

Osamu: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. 

Suna: Why can't you say "I'm here" like normal people.

Osamu: I don't know I've only ever had to pick up 'Tsumu.

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