26. Ennokinoita

46 1 1

Pairing: Kinoshita Hisashi x Narita Kazuhito x Ennoshita Chikara

Warnings: None

Notes: None

Kinoshita: You may call it 'really bad at darts'.

Narita: But we call it freestyle acupuncture. 

Ennoshita: I don't want to play this game with you two anymore.

Ennoshita: You guys wouldn't like me before I've had my coffee. 

Kinoshita: That's weird because we like you all the time.

Ennoshita: Hey love are you okay? I saw you slip pretty bad. 

Narita: No I didn't! I was just... hugging the floor! 

Ennoshita: You were crying. 

Narita: ...It was an emotional moment.

Ennoshita: I admit I was wrong about that. 

Kinoshita: Good. 

Ennoshita: However-

Narita: No, no howevers. Just stand there in your wrongness and let us have this moment.

Narita: I have improved my spice tolerance. 

Kinoshita: Here, eat this piece of chili. 

Narita: Hmm... It's spicy, but I can hold it down. 

*Ennoshita, laughing*: Babe, that's a bell pepper.

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