The Chair

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I got kicked out of a club, drunk. I stumble over into an alleyway, and fall into the backroom of the club.

The next morning, unaware of last night, wake up in a dark, concrete room. I see that there's no door, vent, or window. There's just a light hanging over a normal looking wooden chair.

I feel my pockets as I get up from the hard, cold floor. Then I see my phone is sitting on the chair.

I walk over to the chair, and during that, I get this overwhelming feel to sit on that chair. Without thinking, I just sitting on it, even sitting on my phone.

I sit back up to grab my phone. Suddenly, glowing, white strings flew out of the ground, and knocked me back into the chair.

It ties me to it, making me drop me phone. It puts my hands behind my back, my legs crossed together, and my head straight up.

The strings then detach from the floor, completely tying me to this chair. I then hear slow slapping come in from the wall.

A part of the wall opens, with a man in a suit walking in with a shot glass in his hand. He chuckles as he walks towards me. He pulls out a ring-gag.

He forces it into my mouth, making my mouth wide open. Minutes pass by as he stares at me. Drool spills down onto my shirt. It makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.

The man then walks up to me. He pulls the chair and me outside of the room. I see the sun rising in the distance as he brings me back into the bar.

The bar's empty, as expected at 6:00 AM. He brings me to the backroom of the bar. He then takes the ring-gag out of me.

I start to yell all sorts of stuff at him. Vulgar or not I was scared. He then pulled out a ball of yarn. "If you're going to act like an annoying cat, you might as well be one!" he yelled at me. He seemed angry with my angry ramblings.

He shoved the fist-sized ball of yarn in my mouth. He then taped it onto me. The fabric for the yarn was itchy, and drool started to come out even more with my mouth being more wide open.

The bell rung, signifying someone came in. The man quickly rushed towards them, welcoming them. Luckily, he left the door to the room I'm trapped in open.

Hours pass by as I try to scream for help, even knocking things over. Suddenly, a drunken guy sneaks into the room, but from the back door.

I can only hear this guy mumble as he walks closer towards me. He then touches me by the neck, and slowly moving towards my crotch.

I start to get nervous, and scared. I wiggle myself enough to fall to the ground. The man gets scared, and runs out. I assume he's VERY drunk.

The man who's been torturing me runs in, slamming the door behind him. He looks at me in anger, knowing at least one person saw me.

He snaps his fingers, making the white restraints dissapear. I spit out the ball of yarn, and run out of the room.

I finally make it to my car. I drive away to my house. I then realize my phone isn't on me. I then realized my phone probably fell out of my pocket when I ran out.

Desperately, I get back into the bar, empty. It's starting to close. I sneak back into the room and get my phone back. I run back out of the room to get pulled back by something.

I start to rapidly press my off/on button to start the Emergency SOS. I get pulled back to ground, immobilized, leaving my phone at the doorframe.

The white strings around me get tighter and tighter until I couldn't move at all, not even an inch.

Breathing heavily, and trapped on the ground, I- The man drops my phone on me. He broke my phone while I was panicking.

He licked my entire face, enjoying it. He then spit in my mouth, forced open by the white strings. He then turns off the lights, leaving me in a pitch black void.

He jumps on top of me, making me yelp. He snickers. He tells me that he has a kink, an odd one he admits, but it satisfies him. He says he has a kink for making others feel as uncomfortable and annoyed as possible.

He says that it isn't torture or rape, it's just him enjoying the expressions of my face and my uncomfortableness.

As I take all of the information in, he stares into my soul. He then leaves me in the room, turning off the light.

The next day, he opens the bar again, and I wake up, but I'm not on the floor anymore. I'm on the wall! My clothes have been changed into a sailor's uniform. A smoking pipe was taped into my mouth.

Beer, spit, and all other things are spilt and thrown onto me. Everybody in the bar was too drunk to realize I was a human and not a decoration.

Suddenly, a big, drunk man walks towards me. They step back, with a dart in hand. They run up towards me, and stab me.

I'm terrified. As I slowly close my eyes, thoughts start to swarm my mind. What were the white strings? Who exactly is that man who trapped me here? I don't know...

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