Painting The Fate

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         Glyn. He was the greatest mind of his generation. He was the nicest man on this world, until something happened...

It was dark, and raining. He had just got done painting his fans requests. He set them up in a basket, and then got an idea for a painting.

With absolute boredom, and nothing else to do, he immediately gets to painting. He starts to draw the grass, and then starts to sketch the whole painting, but his eyes start to squint. He's about to fall asleep, and he soon does it.

Little does he know, as his head lays on the canvas, he falls into it, waking him up on impact of the white void.

He looks at the outside, but for some odd reason, he can't move. He seems to have taken his figures place in the painting. Fortunately, their position was comfortable enough.

After minutes go by, his paintbrush starts to shake, and rattle. It floats up in the air. It somehow erases the painting, and Glyn. He wakes up as his whole body is done being painted.

Soon enough, his brush draws another figure in front of him. Wait, no. It's not a figure, it's a toilet seat. Without any will, he's forced to stay in that position. The brush seems satisfied, so it draws him in another situation.

Glyn wakes back up in the middle of a city. For some odd reason, nobody is seen in sight. Glyn was drawn in a dumpster eating garage, specifically a melted, rotting apple.

         He wakes up from his bed. He wondered if it really all was just a dream. He looked to his side, and saw his paintbrush drawing his bedroom. Glyn was stuck in bed, for who knows how long...

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