Mystery Lady

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I found nothing useful in my sister's desk. No location, no certain times or dates. Nothing. But it wasn't as fruitless as I had presumed.

My sister was an artist. She loved drawing on everything, even some of her books had sketches (despite how illegal that was here). So as I was snooping around her locker, I saw sketches; mostly of me,her friends, our mother.
Though there's this other woman's drawing that was not exactly clear. In the drawing the woman's eyes and mouth are crossed out giving her a grotesque appearance. My mind itched as I noticed the familiarity but I couldn't recall who it resembled.

Frustrated I headed back to class, my stomach lurching with this leaden feeling that something was amiss. I found most of my classmates inside. I did my best to ignore the looks and murmurs that trailed me as I headed to my desk. I wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately it seemed my desk mate wasn't about to do that anytime soon.

"Its such a biiiiig shame your sissy up and left like that" she bemoaned. Her blue eyes glittered like the ocean waves . Alight with excitement.

"Terribly. Now have you finished Mr. Anton's assignment.  I need to copy it."
I said eager to change the subject.


Throughout our chemistry lesson, my mind was shifting through all the faces I had ever seen to the school. The teachers, the staff, even the students. Just as i felt my mind snag at some clue my name rang through my ears.

"Zulu! Your mind is in the trees. Now back to the class." Mrs Kanan fumed. Ha.

"Now what is the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon on the board."
My mind mentally sighed . This was easy.

"98" I answered just as my stomach grumbled. Audibly.

The class let out small chuckles.

Even Mrs kanan gave a small smile.
" It seems someone's fiending for a little carbon herself."

The laughter died immediately after that joke.
I, however,found myself thinking to the cafeteria.  Particularly the chefs .


Our head female chef had the exact features of that drawing. Or at least I hoped so. She was a recent addition to the staff. So terribly shy, I had only ever really seen her twice.
My muscles tensed, eager to spring up and head to the cafeteria but I would have to wait and bide my time . Dinner was still yet to arrive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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