Following the breadcrumbs

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You know those moments when your teacher is talking about mitochondria but you just really don't give a damn... I do. 
I'm literally stuck between staring at this clock that refuses to move and Mr Evans who still hadn't finished marking our papers.
What a life.

My mind was buzzing with all these new developments. How would I find my sister? Where would she go? Why would she leave? Just as that thought lingered in my head the bell rang. Time for lunch.

Instead of seating with my classmates at our assigned tables, I made my way to my sister's class. 2 Mercury.

Our school has classes in order of planets from Mercury all the way to Jupiter so five classes.

The students, her classmates, stared at me as if I was the strangest thing to land at their table. How I hated form twos. I scouted for her closest friend Arabella ,who was seated at the end of the table giggling with another girl. I made my way to her and tried to make the most normal talk as possible.

"Hi. Can I talk to you privately?" I asked.
"Uh sure." She replied and followed me outside the cafeteria.
"I need to know if my sister seemed off. Did she seem withdrawn like she was considering running away?" Right off the bat.
She seemed to consider my question for a while. Then...
"I mean the first week after the holiday she seemed off. Not her usual bubbly, giddy self. She wasn't even showering. My friend and I took her to the matron for some counseling and she seemed fine afterwards. She was back to herself again. "
I always knew Anya would grieve worse than me. She was always closest to our mother.
"Thanks." I said unsure of what next.

I couldn't eat lunch so instead I went to the class 2 Mercury to try to find my sister's desk. Maybe just maybe I could find a clue to where she's gone.

My sister's desk was a mess. Filled with wrappers, stray papers and haphazardly placed books. By the time I reached the end lunchtime was halfway done. People would be coming back soon and seniors weren't allowed in junior classes. I quickly put back my sister's books and made my escape.

My feet had barely made it far from the closing door, when a feminine steely voice called out.
"You there! What do you think you're doing!"
My body froze despite knowing better. Shit.
My heartbeat sped up when I turned around and saw Sr. Antoinette behind me.
She and I had bad blood between us. She was a literal demon from hell who concealed this by buying sweets and biscuits. Like that would sooth all the nasty things that came from her mouth. And I was a simple girl. The perfect victim.

"What were you doing in that class?" She said her nasally voice more irritating than usual.
"I was returning my sister's book. " I responded averting my eyes from her gaze. Things ended quicker that way.
She seemed to have no good reason to persecute me so instead she dismissed me rudely.
"You look like a farmer, at least try to look like a senior in form three. Understood. "
"Yes ," I nodded as I made my fast getaway. To say I wished evil things for that woman would be an understatement.

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