Chapter 7: Not What I Expected

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Author’s Note: Wolf- Hey guys! It’s been a while since I’ve last written. We decided to let Sheep take a break because she’s been doing all the writing here so here I am! I hope I haven’t lost all my writing skills yet heehee. Enjoy! :D 

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Chapter 7: Not What I Expected

7th April, Saturday


I rummaged through my closet in panic. No, this won’t do. This is downright ugly. Yes! I found- oh wait it doesn’t fit me anymore. I sighed and sat down on my bed. What to do??? My date is in 2 hours and I don’t even know what to wear! No I can’t screw this up. I have to look good for my very first date!

I started daydreaming about Jessica and wonder what she’ll wear tonight for our date. Wait. Stop it! Chop chop Erica! Time is ticking and you haven’t even showered yet. I bit my lips in excitement. Thinking about the date with my crush sure sent chills down my spine. 

I got up and looked through thoroughly in my closet again. Gosh I really need to clear out my closet sometime. It takes a lot of effort to even shift through my clothes to take a look at them. Just then I felt something soft and chiffon. I pulled it out and it turned out to be a halter neck maxi dress. It was brand new as it still had the price tag on. Since when did I buy this? I shrugged my shoulders and headed to the bathroom. 

It looked good and since I’m in a rush, anything would be fine for me now. I showered and put the dress on. When I came out to check myself, I was in awe. The dress looked beautiful and it definitely made me seem taller. The dress flowed out from the bottom and stopped just below my knees so it was the perfect length. 

I sat down to put on my makeup. I decided to go with light makeup since it’s just dinner and I don’t really want to look like I’m off to eat with the Queen of England. I tied my hair up into a top messy bun to make me have that classy look. I checked the time, 5.45pm. Jessica should be here anytime soon since she said she had already booked a table for us at 6. 

I wore my 4-inch black wedges. I had a bit of time left so I used the time to take pictures of myself. What, I’m a girl. Don’t all girls do that? Before I knew it, I heard the sounding horn of a car outside. Oh my god she’s here….

I made my way towards the door. My heart started to thump wildly. Okay Erica, here goes…. I opened the door to find Jessica with her hand up about to knock on my door. I smiled at her and she stared at me. My smile dropped. Oh no. She doesn’t like it? 

“Too much?” I asked, gesturing at my outfit. She shifted awkwardly, “Uh.. no. You look… fine.” Fine? That’s the word she could sum up at my effort for dressing up? I looked at her wearing only a checkered shirt with her sleeves rolled up and jeans with converse. She was dressed pretty casual for tonight. Maybe I did overdress a bit….. 

She gestured towards her car and opened the passenger door for me. I went in and we drove off. It was only a few minutes since we left my place and it was beginning to feel awkward. None of us were talking and you can’t really blame us since we haven’t even properly met yet. 

Shit this is seriously getting awkward. No this isn’t how it’s suppose to be going. “So…” Jessica started. “I don’t think we’ve properly met yet.” I laughed, “Uh right…” 

“So hi I’m Jessica as awkward as this may sound since you already know me.” Jessica said. 

I giggled, “I’m Erica.” 

She nodded, “So how long have you known Victoria and Avery?” 

“Uh about 3 years now.”

“I see…”

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