Chapter 12

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It's been 10 days since Stiles had been found, 10 days of the Pack spending time with him, of taking him to familiar places, of telling him stories of their past and creating aroma’s for meals that may stimulate his memories even if he wasn’t the one eating them. But there hadn’t been much change towards getting their Stiles back.

Stiles was definitely more at ease now with the rest of the Pack, he had started coming with them into the preserve for training sessions. He didn’t partake himself but used the time to scavenge for grubs or hunt mice whilst the pack were nearby. He had been to his father’s house a number of times too in the hope that it would generate some sort of response but the familiar setting didn’t seem to be doing much of anything for him.

Stiles’ personality traits were however shining through more and more as the days passed. He was into everything, highly hyperactive and seemed to have a devilish carefree attitude for causing mayhem, so much so that Noah had questioned Deaton on whether they should be feeding the fox Stiles’ ADHD medication, to which the Vet had been highly amused.

That morning Erica had been having a shower at the loft, Stiles had snuck into the room whilst she was in the shower and scurried away with the clothes she had left to get dressed into as well as the towel. He had taken to building little nests all over the loft for him to have various dens in every room that smelt like the Pack so was constantly stealing any items left lying around, tearing them apart to make appropriate bedding.

After squirreling away the clothes and towel Stiles trotted back into the bathroom and peered over the side of the tub the shower was in. Seeing the water bouncing off the ceramic floor was fascinating but it all seemed to be disappearing down the magic hole in the floor. He twitched his ears and wagged his tail, his highly curious nature coming to the forefront as he watched the water continue to disappear, with an excited yip he poised himself ready to jump over the edge of the tub when a shrieked “Stiles No!” was hollered from the woman inside. This was followed up with shooing hands and a hollered “BOYD!” before the other Beta came barrelling into the bathroom to snatch the fox up and take him elsewhere. Boyd shut the bathroom door securely then quickly released him, he grumbled his displeasure at the Beta who laughed in response and walked back to the living room.

Not wanting to be left along Stiles quickly followed then bounced up onto the sofa where Boyd and Isaac were playing video games, he bounced around a bit on the springy seat then nosed over the buttons on the object Isaac was holding, his curiosity once again peaked. His attention span however was short so he quickly grew bored with the minimal entertainment and lack of attention and pawed at Isaac's arms. Isaac distractedly scratched behind his ears before continuing with his game.
The minimal scratching however had made him somewhat sleepy, so he nestled down between them both and got ready for a small nap.

He was just nodding off to sleep when a high pitched scream sounded from the bathroom. Both Betas turned sharply to look behind them and Stiles shot up raising up on his hind legs to lift him up to see over the couch, his bat like ears tilted forward to pick up any sound easily.

A loud bang and a muffled curse were followed by a hollered “STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLESS” the fox jumped back, he knew that name had something to do with him, what on earth had he done? “STIIIIIILES YOU ARE SOOOOO DEAD I’M GOING TO TURN YOU INTO A FURRY PURSE FOR LYDIA!” Erica screams and Stiles used to knowing when a predator was on the rampage shoots off the couch disappearing into the depths of the loft before Erica can appear.

Stiles may not understand what is being said but he can sense tone, he is so out of here until the nice Alpha is home, his Alpha he thinks. He has a sneaky hide away that nobody has yet discovered so he slinks into Derek’s room and hunkers down beneath the Alpha’s bed to where he has a collected a bit of the Pack's clothing together, he burrows his way beneath, snuffling an inhale on something that smells very much like Derek and decides he will just wait it out here for now, then promptly falls asleep.

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