chapter fourteen: grape soda

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BRUCE LAID HIS head on vances chest, his breathing was regulated. They weren't speaking, just taking in the quietness of the night. Bruce's room was warm, dim with the moonlight streaking into it. It made Bruce's eyes shimmer, vance could never look away.

Bruce could feel himself sleeping in and out of sleep, the calm sound of Vance's heartbeat. Vance had his hands in Bruce's hair, playing with it slightly. They both knew that they could never work out, that despite everything their love would never be enough for anybody. Although Bruce felt his heart beat for Vance it would never be enough, because what they had was wrong and everybody knew it. Bruce and Vance wished alot - silently in their heads. It hurt sometimes, that they would never last.

Bruce lifted his head, looking up at the half asleep Vance. "I love you," the words left his mouth almost inaudible, Vance steering his head from the picture board on the wall and down to bruce, a small smile on his face.

"I love you too," he whispered back, they wished they could last. Because everything about them was wrong to everybody, their dynamic, who they were, people hated it - Especially Bruce's parents. Bruce was Vance's ending, but Vance was not Bruce's ending. They could never be each others ending because their fates together didn't exist, star crossed lovers weren't them. The happy ending they both hoped for couldn't be written out, turning the pages faster and faster just to get to an unwritten ending because it can't happy. They can't be happy.

They didn't speak for the rest of that night. Vance watched as Bruce fell asleep, his eyes drooping and a yawn escaping his mouth before he managed to drift off to sleep. He was cute, he looked peaceful.

Vance would sometimes look at Bruce and see his whole life with him, but sometimes he'd look at him and nothing was there. He'd look at Bruce in hopes of that happy ending appearing but nothing ever did, nothing came to mind because it wasn't and wouldn't happen. It hurt vance more than he'd admit, that he couldn't be the one Bruce has forever. He wanted to be Bruce's past, present and future.

But as he lay there, he'd realised that future doesn't exist. Because before you know it the future is the present and everything is different without your mind comprehending what had happened. Vance hated not knowing what was going on around him, and Bruce just spun his head around so all he could see was dizzy streaks of what was happening. The world caved into a mess around them, all the puzzle pieces in the wrong places.

Vance moved Bruce's head from his chest and slipped from his bed, he couldn't stay. If he did Bruce's parents would probably have found them together and that really wouldn't end well. Tiptoeing to not make a sound he grabbed his buckle boots from the ground and managed to sneak across the hallway, down the stairs and out the door without awakening anybody. He was mainly worried about Bruce in this situation and what would happen to him if they were caught, he didn't want to imagine Bruce in shambles at his mothers feet begging to let Vance stay and that Vance was actually a good person. Vance knew he wasn't a good person, everybody knew that. Vance was a terrible person, everything he did was wrong and everybody was afraid of his next move.

Putting on his boots he didn't bother to tighten the buckles, walking with them loosely clinging to his feet. The street was dead, soundless, the sound of loose paper being blown across the ground. All houses had their lights switched off and the lampposts were so spaced it would hardly even light the street up. He could hear his own breath, it coming out in white puffs due to the cold air. His boots thud against the ground, sometimes kicking a few stones across the concrete creating a scratch sound. He had scared a few cats by doing that.

The sound of an engine growled behind him, but he didn't bother to check. He didn't care much about other people if it didn't involve him, usually ignoring everybody that surrounded him and zoning himself out. That's what pinball was for, he wasn't even sure if he liked the damn arcade game.

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