Death {part 1}

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Again zach villa <3

TW// Demons bitch

Y/N pov:

 I knew it was a bad idea to walk in the woods tonight. She had to disagree didn't she. Now we were tied up terrified of being killed. The worst part about living next to Redwood Forest was probably the anniversary of the massacre. Idiots always came knocking dressed as him. What made it worse this year was that Jingles had escaped and was back at fucking Redwood but the two of us being as idiotic as we are hoped it was a sick prank. But NOOOOOOOOO it was real and we had been fucking kidnapped. Perfect. Exactly what I needed. Now the psycho had us tied up begging for our lives.

 Jingles got up close to my face and ran the knife down my arm again. I shivered and flinched as the knife broke skin. I wouldn't make a sound though. My blood was already all over me from the amount of times he'd done this. Just as the knife was about to be fucking ran through my eye some guy ran past being chased by some blonde bitch (hey Montana!!!) but stopped seeing us there. She yelped as she ran into his back "What the Fuck Ric-" She was cut off by his hand over her mouth. Jingles turned around and brandished his knife at them. The blonde ran away and Jingles chased after her. I turned to the man and said "Well damn, guess we werent good enought." whilst laughing. He stalked over to us and he pulled a curved knife from his pocket. He passed me and stood by Julane (i dont fucking know either) she squealed as the knife slit her throat and blood spewed everywhere. Tears ran down my face. I thought we were safe. I thought he would save us. I guess not.

He walked up to face me and quickly cut the ropes binding me. He used the knife to lift my face towards his. "Run" he whispered into my ear. For once in my life I obeyed.


342 words. ok yes there will be a part two!! sorry for being MIA but I'm (hopefully) back! 

N xx

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