17. Remedial

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"David...David!!!" He came in yelling for him with Camila in his arms.

"Yes...Oh my god what happened to her. Where did you find-" His questions remained unanswered as Shawn fastened his steps towards the couch placed right in front of fireplace.

"Please go, bring blankets and also add more logs in it." He said carefully putting Camila down on couch.

"I think I should call the doctor too." David added looking at the Camila's obvious state of illness.

"Yes please....be quick." Shawn grabbed the cover cloth placed on a nearby chair and covered Camila as much as possible.

"Take this..." Giving one of the blanket to Shawn, he started to cover her by the second one. "She's burning in fever." He said as he checked her temperature by his hand on her forehead.

"I know...she probably spent all night beside that tree, crying in rain..under the open sky in extreme cold." He said sadly looking at her face. Then put his hand on her cheek and rubbed it to give her some of his warmth until her nose turned red. "I shouldn't have said that to you...I'm sorry..." He was talking to no one particular as Camila was unconscious and David went in a kitchen to bring some water along with cloth to cool down her temperature.

"I called the doctor but till then we have to bring her fever down." David brought the bowl with him and put it on the table placed in the middle.

Shawn who was sitting near her on couch, now stood up and dragged the nearby chair closer to the couch where her head was lying.

"Give it to me." Shawn asked for the piece of cloth, David was squeezing in bowl.

He lifted his head up to look at him and handed him the cloth. He kept staring at Shawn as he pressed the cloth on her forehead, constantly checking her temperature touching her neck. Quietly he was admiring something when Shawn noticed his gaze.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing" David grinned.

"Well you are really looking at me for quite a while." He said while wetting the cloth again.

"Hmm" David smiled widely tilting his head slightly on his right shoulder. "You really like her hun?"

"Me?" Shawn was surprised. Was he really giving that gesture? He thought but laughed it off. "Why you said that?"

"Your actions. I haven't seen you caring for some girl like that."

"Probably cuz she's different and I'm the reason for her this state."

"Ahm right.." He noded in agreement.

"Shit! I forgot to inform Jacob." He remembered all of a sudden. "Take this and do your work..I have to make a call" handing back the cloth, he stood up.


Flames from burning fire were making his whole figure glow in the darkness of the lounge. His posture leaning towards her, his mind submerged in thoughts. He was thinking of something, he didn't even notice he was thinking of. Fixing his eyes on her face, analysing her closed eyes, he thought how beautifully her eyelashes were laying on her eyelids. Her cheeks were shining due to sweat giving an indication that her body temperature was slowly lowering down cuz it was now 7pm of the night and he was giving her the medicine every once in 3 hours as doctor told him to do so.

Thinking of the doctor, he quickly streched his right arm and softly put his hand on her forehead to check the temperature. It was really getting down.

"Wa...at..er!" She moaned subconsciously in extremely dry and low voice. Due to constant water evaporation from her body, she could feel someone pricking her throat with needles. 

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