3- Tea Girl

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"As we didn't find any trace of leakage from idea presenter's and project designer's laptop, I need everyone's laptops and cell phones in Ricky's room." Shawn ordered Ramsey who looked at Ricky with a frowned forehead.

Ricky, known by the name of Hawk Ricky but no one knew his real name, was a famous Korean hacker. He was secretly known to illegally work for many companies but no one had a proof of it till now. The reason was his skill. His worth was so high that small companies couldn't afford his services. Besides at the time of dealing he made sure that his name would remain out of any illegal progression. His only concern was good money, that's all. He knew computer and gadgets more than himself.

"It includes both of you too." He told Ramsey and his 30 year old managing director Liana Gates.

"If we won't have our computers..how would we work?" Ramsey argued.

"No one would work until all the employees would get through investigation and proved innocent." Jacob told.

"But our phones may have personal items..if someone is innocent then you are just invading their privacy." Liana stated.

"Miss Liana our company is going through loss due to presence of a spy and it could be you." Shawn pointed making all colours from Liana's face disappear.

"Me.." She said in a shock.

"Yes you...or Mr.Ramsey" He turned making Ramsey nervous. "Or anyone in this office..see we don't know. " He shrugged. "So let us find the real one if  you don't want me to see anyone with doubt in my eyes and if we couldn't...then our company has to go through more loss which I can't afford. "

"Don't worry Ricky is very professional and no one's information gonna leak..I can assure." Jacob told them.

"Right sir as you wish.. I'd make an announcement." Liana said as she got up and Ramsey followed her.

"Ms. Megan come in my room." He called his assistant as soon as they left. "Jacob you should go and start the work with Ricky...we don't have enough time."

Jacob noded and left with Ricky to start the checking process of every computer and cell phone.

"Yes." He said to the sound of a knock, revealing Megan Williams, his personal secretary. The girl was tall, with beautiful skin uptight in a pencil skirt with turtle neck. Her black hair in high ponytail and blue eyes prominent neatly by black eyeliner. To look decent and attractive was a demand of her job as she had to assist her boss but personally like many girls she also wanted to attract Shawn towards herself. Also she was known to have an attitude of a princess in staff because of her rank of Shawn's personal assistant. Being professional, she was waiting for right moment to put some magic on her highly attractive, rich boss.

"Yes sir?" She asked as she stepped in.

"Call the meeting in an hour...and make sure to call each employee of this company...understand!" He told looking at some files as he also gave his own laptop to Ricky for checking.

"Sure Sir I will." She replied.

"That's all..you can go."

"Right." She said in a professional manner and left.


A tray in her hand with two mugs of tea was about to fall down as she saved herself from hitting a man in front of her. "Sorry.." She apologised and moved on but saw everyone moving out of their offices in the corridor. She could feel the chaos in the air. Something wasn't right and everyone had worried look on their face.

"Hey..Tina.." Suddenly finding the known face, she stopped her. "Where's everyone going?"

"Towards auditorium..its a meeting with a boss."

"Oh..i was going to Miss Suzan's room.."

"Then go back cuz everyone has to show their presence in meeting." She told while walking

"What's happening? Is everything alright?"

"Nothing is alright." She said looking here and there and then pulled Camila in a corner. "You know a very important information got leaked  out of company and now everyone's job is in danger."

"Uh..Um.." Camila didn't know what to say in nervousness. Her hands holding the tray started trembling.

"Don't worry..you are safe cuz you are just a tea girl.." She told to calm her down. "Ok I'm gonna leave..getting late."

Camila stood their for sometime in worry but then started moving back towards the kitchen. She wanted to know more. She was curious about the things going to be said in a meeting.


"As you guys already know that very confidential information of company is leaked by someone.." Shawn addressed in a mic and everyone could clearly feel the intimidation in his voice. "That someone is present between you.." Everyone gave each other a suspicious look as he continued. "That can be anyone of you...we don't know, so for better future of our company we need to solve this issue as soon as possible..therefore I request you all to share any information regarding this problem you have..if anyone has a doubt in any employee, they can come and tell me in person in my office but..." He took a pause for a moment making everyone anxious. "Before that I have an offer..the person who did this can volunteerly admit his mistake and show his face, I promise he would just lose his job and would get out of the company with respect but if I'd find him by myself..then I don't  assure any respect..not only he'd lose his or her job but also have to spend rest of the life in jail." He declared as the whispers filled everywhere in the auditorium.

"As I made everything clear..Iet me tell you one more thing. I am not a person who can forgive someone so easily so if I'm offering someone a relaxation that's just because I don't want the loyal workers to be bothered for more time..and secondly sooner or later, I'd find that person and then that person would only regret..nothing else." He stated clearly. "Your phones would returned back to you today but your laptops would take 2 more days for complete checking..i just need  everyone who wishes better for this company to cooperate with me...meeting is over..thankyou for your presence!"

Shawn left the stage and started walking out of the auditorium from vip section as his guards followed him along with Jacob.

"What's the progress?" Shawn asked walking swiftly.

"Till now...we found nothing..." Jacob replied.

"Then find it...watch all the footage from each and every camera fitted in this building...I want all the information Jacob....i want that hoe.." Shawn spat.

"And if we find him or maybe her than what you gonna do?"

"I'm just gonna make that motherfucker's life miserable..."

Whoever was the spy, was the reason of Shawn's hurted ego and now he was like an wounded lion. The poor spy has to face Shawn's rage now.


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