Chapter Two

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The next morning I went downstairs for breakfast. I was quiet. "Ok, son, what's wrong?" My father asked me. "Nothing, I promise everything is fine." I lied. He frowned and sighed, "I wish you would let me be there for you," he sighed. "I doubt you could help with this," I told him but hugged him. "Try me," he hugged back.

"Vic ended our friendship last night for him," I choked out. "Oh, Phen, I'm so sorry. Are you sure he isn't, like threatening her or something?" He asked. I tensed I never thought of that. But I knew if he was she wouldn't tell me. "I don't know, do you think mom can talk to Aunt Sapp? She may know something," I asked. "She can try but you know poor Gem hasn't really talked to anyone since that day," he told me.

I nodded completely understanding why. "I got to get to class, love you dad," I said, hugging him again. "Love you, son," he said and I left. I saw James' jeep outside Vic's house. My hands gripped my steering wheel tight until my knuckles were white. I sped out of my driveway burning rubber.


The next morning I sat eating breakfast quietly. Mom sat next to me, "Ok what's going on, sweetie, you've been different since you got with James," she told me. "It's nothing, mom, I'm fine I promise," I said, but I knew she knew I was lying. She sighed, "I know I'm going through a lot right now but just know you can still come to me," she said, kissing my head.

I hugged her, "I know, mom, but I'm fine, I promise," I told her. She hugged back, "I love you, Vic, my sweet daughter." I smiled, "Love you, too, mom." I heard a honk outside and got up. "It's James I better go," I told her and left. I got in the car to see Phoenix speeding out of his driveway. I sighed, I felt bad for hurting him but I was scared of what James would do to me if Phoenix hadn't backed off.


I heard a knock on the door and I opened it surprised to see Yn. "Oh hey," I smiled and let her in. She hugged me, "Hey, how are you doing?" She asked me. "Honestly? Or the feel good answer," I chuckled. She smiled, "Honestly of course," She told me. "I'm a wreck I need fucking therapy," I laughed bitterly. "I think we all do," she smiled sadly. "I'm sure Randy would help you find one," she added.

It wouldn't help, you and I both know I can't be fully honest with them" I sighed. "Well, you know you can always come to me," she said. I smiled and nodded, "thanks, Yn, I'm glad we are friends now," I hugged her. "So am I but there's another reason I came over," She said, hugging back.

"Do you know why Vic cut off her friendship with Phoenix? He is really hurting from it," She told me. My eyes widened and I nearly dropped my cup of tea in shock. "She what?!" I asked then sighed. "I bet it's something to do with James. This is great, just great. I'm pregnant and can't even keep track of what my own daughter is doing," I sighed. I heard Yn gasp, "you're pregnant again?!"

I swore mentally, "fuck I wasn't supposed to say anything. Randy wants it to be a secret not even Mason or Vic know," I said. I saw her hesitate then nod, "ok, I won't say anything only because it's not like a huge secret." I hugged her, "you're the best.


School went by quietly and quickly. Soon it was time for cheer practice. We practiced cheering the football team on while they did a practice game. I found myself watching Phoenix not realizing James was watching me. Soon practice was over and I was getting ready to leave the locker room. I was the only one there. Until James came in. I frowned, "Um, guys aren't allowed in the girls locker room," I said scared.

Warning of abuse

"Yeah I don't care. I thought I told you to break off your friendship with Phoenix," he said, walking closer to me. I stepped back but backed into the lockers. "I did, I told him last night we couldn't be friends anymore," I said. Then he slapped me hard. "Lying bitch. If that's the case why were you watching him all practice," he said. He grabbed my arms tightly. So tight I cried. "Stop, please, it hurts. I didn't mean to watch him, I'm sorry," I cried. He slapped me again. Then punched me.  "You look or speak to him again it's gonna be ten times worse, bitch," he said and pushed me to the ground leaving.

I had bruises on my arms as I sat there crying. Before someone else entered the locker room. I heard Phoenix say. "Oh, Vic." I just cried as he pulled me into a hug. In his arms, I felt safe. "He did this, didn't he?" He asked me. I just cried, not able to answer. I felt Phoenix's Jersey wrap around me as he helped me up and out to his car.

I was quiet on the drive to my house. "Thank you, please don't tell anyone," I said quietly. He sighed, "I won't but you need to dump him," he told me. "I'm scared of what he will do if I do.'' I sighed and hugged him getting out of the car. And going inside. I went to my room putting makeup over my bruises. Then went downstairs forgetting I had Phoenix's jersey still on.

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