Chapter One

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I sat on my bed thinking about everything our parents had told us. I was in shock that mom once tried to kill Aunt Yn. I heard a knock on my window and looked up. I saw Phoenix there. I smiled and let him in, "If dad saw you he would be pissed," I chuckled. He shrugged, "it's worth it. I wanted to check on you," he said and hugged me. I immediately hugged back.

"I'm still trying to process it all. I mean what if we end up like them?" I said. "I worry about that too but I don't think we will," he told me. "I hope you're right. See you at school tomorrow?" I said. He smiled "I'll pick you up in the morning," he said and hugged me before leaving. I was in love with him but I doubted he felt the same.

The next day we went to school in his car. I stood by Tara at my locker with Mindy. "I just wish he would ask me out," I sighed. The school jock James walked up to me. "Hey, Vic, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight?" He asked me. I stood there surprised, "oh. Um, sure," I smiled. Little did I know what this would lead to.


I watched my fist clenched as James asked her out. I should have done it sooner. Everyone on the football team knew James was a player. If he hurt her I swear I would kill him. I tensed where did that thought come from? W-was I going to turn into my father? I remembered his words to me. "Son, if you ever get psychotic urges please come talk to me so I can help you." he had told me after we all found out the truth.

But I couldn't. I didn't want him to blame himself. I sighed, "I fucked up and lost my chance didn't I?" I asked Chad. "There is still a chance I'm sure. We both know Vic is smart and she will see through his act," he told me. I sighed, "I really hope you're right." The bell rang and we went to class.

A few days later


I was worried about Vic. She had been avoiding me and seemed timid and scared. That night I knocked on her bedroom window. She opened it, "Leave, please." she told me. "Not until you tell me why you have been avoiding me," I told her. She seemed hesitant on what to say, then said, "Because I have a boyfriend, if I hang out with you and him I'll look like a slut," she said.

I flinched at her words. "So what, we can't even be friends anymore?" I said it hurt deeply. "No we can't. Now please leave before I have dad call Aunt Yn," she said. My heart broke. "Fine I hope you're happy, Vic, throwing away sixteen years of friendship over one guy," I said bitterly. Then I left. Tears fell from my eyes. I laid in my bed crying myself to sleep.


When he left I collapsed on my bed crying. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do. But if I didn't James would hurt me more. He had already left bruises on my arms. I was glad it was winter so my long sleeves would cover them up.  Phoenix was my best friend and I just pushed him away. I probably lost him for good.

I cried myself to sleep. I wanted to tell mom but truthfully I was afraid she would go all psycho on James. Plus James said if I tell anyone he would punish me more. "Please forgive me one day." I silently thought to Phoenix.

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