[Chapter Four]

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Chapter 4


It didn't take long for a routine to form.

On the days that I had classes I would wake up relatively early with Abbie, giving me enough time to make breakfast for the two of us, and Emily on occasion, before getting the two of us ready. I'd leave the house just after Emily, first heading in the direction to drop Abbie off at day care, and then switching course to campus.

The UCLA campus was huge, and even after my first week I still didn't know exactly where all my classes were. I was taking six lecture courses and a lab this term, and even though my schedule seemed full, it wasn't something I minded. Going off how the classes were so far, I enjoyed most of them as they greatly prepared me for next year when I'd be out in the real world.

Thursdays, however, were a different story.

I had managed to clear my schedule for Thursdays with only one goal in mind; spend quality time with my daughter. So when Thursday rolled around, I was gifted with not only a lie in, but also a day full of cartoons, dolls, and laughs with my little princess. I had laid out all her toys that had just been stuffed in the corner, letting her place them where she chose, and by the time lunch rolled around, we met up with Emily in town at a small diner.

The day had been success; a relaxed day spent with my daughter, and the thought of it becoming a weekly occurrence put a smile on my face.

It was in a blink of an eye that my first week in Los Angeles had come and gone, and now, as I awoke Saturday morning, I was left to get ready my first shift at Corner Café.

Just as Colette had mentioned, my first shift was scheduled from ten to four so that the café wasn't extremely busy while I was still getting used to everything. After having gotten up around eight, thanks to an energetic three year old, I had busied myself with breakfast and tiding up a bit before getting ready.

When I had texted Colette to ask what type of clothes I should wear she simply said casual. With that in my mind I had pulled on a pair of black leggings and a white scoop neck t-shirt, dusting on a minimal amount of make-up so that I looked somewhat presentable.

Checking the time to see that it was almost 9:30, I quickly turned to the mirror, pulling my brown hair into a tamed ponytail on the top of my head. "This'll have to do," I thought as I grabbed my handbag, tossing in both my apron and nametag, along with the papers I had signed and a few other miscellaneous items before heading downstairs to see Emily and Abbie sitting on the couch watching a cartoon.

Emily, who must've heard me coming down the stairs, turned around and smiled at me. "Well, somebody looks ready to go to work," she said, nudging Abbie. "What do you think Abbie, how does your mom look?"

Abbie's small innocent eyes turned to look at me as I walked over to her. "You look pwetty momma!" she said, smiling widely.

My heart squeezed at my daughter's words as I leant down to hug her, her small arms stretching to reach over my shoulders. "Thanks baby," I returned, pulling back to plant a small kiss on her forehead.

Abbie's attention quickly returned to the television as Emily told her to sit tight, following me to the door.

"Are you sure you're okay watching her for the day?" I asked cautiously. I knew she was my sister and that she loved her niece, but I didn't want it to feel like I was pushing her to watch Abbie when I had to work.

Emily nodded. "I'm sure," she replied, stepping forward to give me a quick hug. "You've got enough to worry about today, what with starting a new job, so stop worrying about Abbie. She'll be happy spending some quality time with her favourite aunt."

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