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They spent time with Knight as when a sunset began to appear to disappear. The pair was leaning against Knight as he lays down. They used him as a soft pillow as Bard had his arm around Galadriel who was gazing at the sunset. Bard glances down at Galadriel as Freyja was playing with her parent.

Her eyes gazed up to Bard as their eyes locked, a blush coated her cheeks, and glanced away. Knight moved his tail over the two as a blanket while Bard pulled her closer, "Það er mjög þægilegt að halda á þér... (You are very comfortable to hold...)" 

Galadriel looks up at him as if she had understood what he said. Looking down at Knight's fur while moving her fingers through the fur, "Ég nýt félagsskapar þinnar... það er miklu betra en að vera einn.(I enjoy your company... it is a lot better than being alone.)" She felt his arm move around her some more as she continues closing her eyes.

"I feel..." Galadriel's eyes opened murmuring a bit. "Mér finnst... mér finnst ég samþykkt... og elskaður af þér. Tilfinningar mínar eru þær sömu... Bárður.(I feel... I feel accepted... and loved by you. My feelings are the same... Bard.)"

She heard a hum come from him. When she lifted her face, his lips covered hers making her flush as he pulled away from Galadriel giving a grin to her. His calloused hand caressed her cheek, "It makes me happy to hear that from you."

Galadriel's eyes softened as the sunset during the last bit made her cyan-colored eyes seem to glow before it became night. "Bard..."

Blushing but smiles knowing what that light feeling she felt around him. Gazing up into his light blue hues. Moving closer to him, when her lips almost touched his she whispered softly, "We should probably head home..."

Bard nods as Knight removes his tail as Bard picks her up bridal style making her yip, "Og heim er þangað sem við munum fara. (And home is where we shall go.)" Bard stood walking towards the edge. Knight follows and near the edge, he knelt down having Bard being picked up by Knight. Setting Galadriel in front of her as he grips the fur. Knight was a full-grown wolf... he should be...

"NGH!" Not expecting the sudden leap which was further than Freyja have ever done. It only took about three leaps before they were at the bottom of the mountain. The wolf dashed at a faster pace having his eyes widen feeling the power in his body. Feeling each movement of his muscle of his body as they got home quicker. Knight lowered himself as Bard and Galadriel slipped down. Bard moves behind Galadriel wrapping his arms around her waist. She turns her head to him as Knight ran back to the mountain which was the only safe area for wolves of their size. The two have a new view of each other as Galadriel smiles while tapping her forehead against Bard's. He smiles closing his light blue eyes. Her heart was warm while they held hands smiling.

A month passed it became colder to fall and soon it would be winter. Bard was patrolling the north while Galadriel patrols the west of the forest. Because of the colder season, Bard had made a fur cloak of the fur Delvis came with. The fur was sewn inside as she made her dresses of thicker fabric with fur sewn. She added a seal meant for them when they start a family. A wolf's head with the Viking rune of love on the sides and the back of her cloak. She smiles patrolling but... an arrow shot past her head cutting a few thin strands of her hair as her reaction was instant as the perpetrator was bound by vines. A male yells and curses as she steps out seeing it was another Viking but this one had complete hatred towards her.

"Álfatík! (Elven bitch!)" The Viking yells at her. Four horns protruding in front of each part of his helmet. An arrow with blades protruding front the outside from where it was gripped. Steel arrow tips are welded and wrapped around the end with hawk feathers on the other end to guide it toward its target.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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